Our boiler broke down last week. Thinking about it, it’s probably winter when most people’s boilers break down, because that’s when they’d be getting more use. But my goodness, it’s also when you appreciate it being fixed the most!
In the meantime, I’ve been very lucky to be lent a heater by one of my GITS teammates, which has been greatly enjoyed by all the family, and especially our cat Spot*:
Spot enjoying the heater. Thanks Shane!
I’ve also been taking many many pans and kettles of hot water upstairs, like a Downton Abbey housemaid, so that we could all wash – which was tough enough over the weekend but it was more like Lord of the Flies trying to get everyone through the bathroom washing from one pan of hot water in time for school and work this morning.
Can’t wait to get back to my modern hot running water and central heating now the boiler’s been fixed today!**
Hooray for civilisation! It deserves a blockquote. Less frontier, more final frontier 🙂 ***
*Spot – yes this is why.
Data asks Worf to take care of Spot
**Got my hopes up – 2 weeks and 3 attempts later and it still isn’t fixed😣
***Hopefully the sonic showers in Starfleet are a lot more pleasant than those sonic tools they use to scale teeth at the dentists.
Need one like this