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Category: thinking

Learn was updated to Cumulative Update 2 on Tuesday 21st Feb. The update includes bug fixes and patches and doesn’t introduce any new functionality. It might sound a bit boring however the update will resolve some known issues (for an up-to-date list of known issue please visit the Learn Known Issues Wiki): Email message body […]

In June this year we are planning to update our ePortfolio system PebblePad to the new version PebblePad v5. The new version has an updated, restyled interface and a new dashboard landing page. There have been lots of positive comments flying around the PebblePad community about this new version and we are looking forward to […]

The Turnitn Feedback Studio (the jazzy version of the Document Viewer) was enabeld on 1st Aug 2016. The first semester has now ended and we have compiled some information that may be useful to users: 41% of all submissions used Grade mark Grade Mark usage has increased 10% compared to Semester 1 15/16 28% increase […]

After the success of the 2015 program, LTW is hosting 9 summer student internships across five departments. The cohort of students is compiled from various disciplines, including Business, Informatics, and Engineering. Within the Website Program department Sanchit (read on here), Irene (full details here) and Kay (more here) are working to support the University’s new website […]

My name is Kamelia Zhelyazkova and I am entering the 3rd year of a Computer Science (BSc Hons) degree at the University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics. My main areas of interest revolve around software development, database systems and security. Currently, I am into the sixth week of my internship at the Digital Learning Application and Media […]

My name is Connie and I have just finished my 3rd year of a Master of Informatics (MInf) degree here at the University of Edinburgh. My main areas of interest are natural language processing and computer security. I am currently working on Media Hopper for the Digital Learning Application and Media department. Media Hopper is […]

Dr Chris Harlow (Programme Organiser Reproductive Biology Honours) and MRC Career Development Research Fellow Dr Erin Greaves integrate Wikipedia publishing and editing into Reproductive Biology Honours Semester One curriculum and the outcome was a first-rate entry of a previously unpublished medical term: neuroangiogenesis. This activity successfully delivered on several agendas: integrating digital literacies training and […]

My name is Craig, I’m 20 years old from nearby Dunfermline and I’m entering into the fourth year of an Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science degree here at Edinburgh. After my degree I intend to enter the computing industry in either a data analysis or natural language processing role, although I’m interested by most practical […]

Welcome to our blog. We are excited to highlight the new and creative ways in which the Digital Learning Applications and Media (DLAM) team are supporting the delivery of teaching, learning assessment, research and engagement activities. Among our various projects this year, we will be strongly focused on delivering a new media asset management system […]


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