Category: thinking
A large part of my current project involves looking at other companies or services that offer Jupyter notebooks. The University has decided that it wants to provide notebooks but we also have to justify creating our own service. If there is something else that does what we need is it worth making our own version …
Heard of the City Region Deal for Edinburgh? No?! Well go check it out now, I’ll wait here for you. City Region Deal Homepage Interesting right? Well, I managed to gather some more information recently from one of the launch events currently making their way around the University. After you’ve gotten over the astounding £1.1bn …
Lately, I’ve been looking into the uses of Jupyter notebooks within a teaching context and I’ve noticed something of a lack of literature. There are articles looking into the other uses of notebooks (collaborative and reproducible research) but little in the way of articles about the introduction or use of them within teaching. There has …
Aside from being a learning technologist a big interest of mine is American football (Philadelphia Eagles fan). As you might imagine its very rare that these two aspects of my life coincide but something about the end of the Super Bowl stood out to me. In a speech just after the win Nick Foles, the …
Our team was recently approached by a prospective University client to develop a 3D animation related to their current research project. To refresh and improve our team’s 3D modelling skills, Jackie enrolled in the course ‘Blender…
Interactive Content team member Stuart Brett recently completed work on a short promotional video for online learning. It provides an introduction to online learning degrees at The University of Edinburgh, and addresses some of the frequently asked que…
It’s alive! ALIIIVEE!!!! [Cackles manically as thunderclaps in the background] The Noteable service is alive, up and running, ready for action. Okay so actually it was technically alive last year as people just couldn’t wait that long but now it’s official. In brief, the Noteable service is a cloud-based service providing Jupyter notebooks. If you …
Before I started on my illustration of Mary Somerville for Ada Lovelace Day 2017 I wanted to know something more about her. I had heard her name in association with Ada Lovelace, but knew very little of her own significant achievements and contribution…
Learn will be upgraded on Wednesday 5th July to version Q4 2016 CU3 (Yippee!) The upgrade includes a snazzy new theme which aligns with the Edinburgh Global Experience Language (basically it aligns with the University look and feel) and is responsive (aka it scales better on a mobile device).
We have recently integrated Questionmark Perception (QMP) with our LDAP servers. This change will allow students to log-in to summative assessments in QMP using their EASE credentials. This change will ultimately save resource managing user passwords within the system, and also allow usage of the system to be more easily expanded allowing more summative exams […]