New Meridian™ 2 Data in Digimap Roam and Carto

We have updated the Meridian map data in Digimap Roam and Carto. In Digimap Roam Meridian data along with Land-Form PANORAMA contours  form the District view.

Newport in Digimap Roam District View May 2012There are no changes to the cartography or the types of features shown, however the maps are now using the latest Meridian data updated in January 2012.

Don’t forget you can add hill shading to maps using the Hill Shading Icon icon at the top right of the map. The hill shading can really add to the look of your map, and is especially good when you create a PDF.

District View with Hill Shading

Data Updates in the new Data Download

We have the latest OS LocatorTM and OS Street View® data available from our new Data Download site.

OS Street View Data Sample

Previously we have kept the data fixed for an academic year, this was the result of a consultation with our users when the service was first conceived. This meant that the data used would be consistent and reliable.  As the new data download service allows us to make multiple versions of the same data available at the same time we can now offer the latest versions as and when they are delivered to us by Ordnance Survey.

We have not yet decided how many versions of each dataset we will store at EDINA, so please let us know if you have any opinions on this matter. There will be constraints due to any licensing issues and due to the size of the data, but if you have any requirements we’d like to see if we can meet them.

Hill Shading now in Digimap Roam!

We now have hill shading in all mid and small scale zoom levels of Digimap Roam. The shading helps show the shape of the land, giving you a much better idea of the steepness of the relief and the direction of slope.

Snowdonia Map with Hill ShadingThe shading is not switched on by default but you simply need to click on the Hill Shading Icon button above the map to switch it on or off.  There is also a check-box in the print interface if you want the shading on your printed maps.

We have created the Hill Shading using the Land-Form PANORAMA DTM data and we will soon be using the Land-Form PROFILE DTM data to create a similar effect on the more detailed large scale maps in Digimap Roam.

Geology & Marine Digimap get Data Updates

Geology Digimap

Geology Roam and Geology download are now using the most up-to-date detailed geology map data:

  • DiGMapGB-50 Version 6.20, 1:50,000 scale data

Geology Data isn’t updated very often, and it is great to have the data refreshed for the new academic year. Version 6  has a few new tiles; there are now only 3 tiles of missing data in Wales, and there have also been a few tile updates elsewhere in the UK such as SC064 which has now been split into two regular sized tiles, SC064E Ben Macdui and SC064W Newtonmore.

There have also been some small changes to the attribution of the data  which is now at level 20.  The main difference is that each polygon now has a link to both the Lexicon of Named Rock Units and the Rock Classification Schema within it’s attributes. Digimap Roam already provided the key information via the Get Rock Info tool.

Marine Digimap

Marine Roam and Hydrospatial Download now benefit from updated Hydrospatial data. There are many updates to the features available and more layers area available across more tiles.

Digimap Ordnance Survey Data Annual Update

On the 13th of September we held the annual update of the maps and map data in Digimap. There haven’t been any major specification changes this time though you will notice some cartographic changes to the MiniScale maps in Digimap Roam.


New MiniScale Cartography
© Crown Copyright/database right 2011. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service.

The Urban areas are now purple and on the more zoomed out maps there has been some enhancement to the relief shading.

All the following data products were updated to the latest version available:

  • MasterMap Topography and ITN Layers:
  • Meridian2
  • Strategi
  • MiniScale
  • Code-Point
  • Code-Point with Polygons
  • Boundary Line
  • 1:250,000 Colour Raster
  • 1:50 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:25 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:10 000 Raster
  • 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer

All the products have been updated in Digimap Roam, Carto and all the different Data Downloaders. The following products were not updated as the versions were already the most up-to-date available:

  • VectorMap District
  • VectorMap Local
  • Land-Form PANORAMA contours and DTM
  • Land-Form PROFILE contours and DTM


Digimap OpenStream updated

Digimap OpenStreamDigimap OpenStream, EDINA’s open WMS service, has been updated with the latest version of OS Street View from the OS OpenData collection. The latest version is from May 2011 and contains change-only updates.

EDINA aims to provide the latest version of OS OpenData via the OpenStream service. This means that datasets may be updated part way through an academic year.

For more information about OpenStream and to register click on the following link:

Digimap OpenStream

There are also YouTube videos on how to use OpenStream in ArcGIS and Quantum GIS:

OpenStream In ArcGIS

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

OpenStream in Quantum GIS

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

MasterMap Topo

Working with OS MasterMap

As lots of people are currently working on projects and dissertations we thought we’d share a few tips on using the OS MasterMap data from Digimap.

MasterMap TopoNOTE: MasterMap Download will be temporarily unavailable as part of the ‘At Risk’ period on Monday the 22nd of August.  It will also be unavailable for about an hour on either Wednesday 24th or Thursday the 25th of August as well.  This is to allow for some essential hardware maintenance on the server that houses the Database.  We are really sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

The MasterMap data available will be updated as part of our annual data refresh at the beginning of September.  If you need the 2010-2011s data then please order in advance of Monday the 22nd to ensure you don’t get caught up with the maintenance.

Downloading the Data

Remember that if you just want MasterMap as a background map you can use the 1:1000 or 1:2000 Raster versions of the data. This is available from the Data Download facility:

I just want some data

If you need the vector data for use in a GIS then you will need MasterMap Download:

How to use MasterMap Download

There is also a video on using  MasterMap Download:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

Data Conversion

Once you have downloaded your MasterMap Data you will most likely need to convert it into a format that your GIS can use. There are three main options to do this, InterpOSe, OSM2MIF and Productivity Suite, see the following link for more information:

Getting MasterMap into a GIS or CAD

Other Help Resources

Using MapManager / Productivity Suite to convert MasterMap

Using MasterMap with MapInfo

Using MasterMap Data with AutoCAD:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

2011 Data Update

This year’s annual data update will take place at the beginning of September.  There will be a refresh the following Ordnance Survey products:

MasterMap Topo

  • MasterMap Topography and ITN Layers
  • VectorMap Local
  • Meridian2
  • Strategi
  • MiniScale
  • Code-Point
  • Code-Point with Polygons
  • Boundary Line

1:250,000 Colour Raster

  • 1:250,000 Colour Raster
  • 1:50 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:25 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:10 000 Raster
  • 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer


There will also be updated Hydrospatial data in Marine Digimap and a new version of the DiGMapGB-50 data in Geology Digimap.

Along with the new data Ancient Roam will be getting the Annotation Tools and there may be a bit of a surprise bonus addition to Digimap Roam. More information will be posted on the Blog, Twitter and Facebook page nearer the time.

VectorMap Local now in Digimap Roam!

The VectorMap Local (VML) maps mentioned in the previous blog posts are now working in Digimap Roam. There is a video on YouTube showing you how to view all the different mapping styles that are now available at the four most zoomed in levels; including all the VML maps and Land-Line style MasterMap:


For more informations see the previous blog post here:

More Improvements Coming Soon, June 20th 2011

More Improvements Added 28th June

Service "At Risk".Some of the features mentioned in the previous blog post will be added into the services tomorrow, Tuesday 28th June:

More Improvements Coming Soon

Due to this work there will be some short Disruptions to all the services between 17:30 and 18:30. We hope you find the new features useful, please let us know if you have any feedback:

Mailto: EDINA help desk

or call us on: 0131 650 3302