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WordCamp Glasgow LogoOn the 8th of February, I had the fantastic opportunity to attend WordCamp in Glasgow, a very interesting mixture of talks on different topics relating to WordPress.

I always enjoy the WordPress events, because so many people use WordPress, in so many different ways, that there is always something new to learn. It’s also very interesting to hear about how WordPress is being used and the different purposes it’s used for.

This year’s WordCamp was no exception: an enjoyably varied day with terrible coffee, some nice freebies, and really excellent brownies.

Talks I attended included:

  • Sustainable web development
  • Speeding up slow websites
  • Accessible subtitling
  • Developing code blocks for use with the new(ish) Gutenberg drag and drop / WYSIWYG editor
  • Scaling WordPress for enterprise level site development
  • Creating a user-first experience with AMP
  • and ‘Hacking Tim’, which turned out to be a WordPress security expert (called Tim)’s general life hacks for work-life balance and productivity

I’ll be writing up my notes on each of these topics and linking them separately.

If this inspires anyone to go to more local WordPress events, there’s a very nice WordPress Edinburgh Meetup group that meets one Wednesday a month at CodeBase. I think I’m actually in their photo: