Digimap Training in Leeds 23 February

EDINA is running Digimap training at Leeds Metropolitan University on Wednesday 23 February 2011 Training is free and available to support staff, teaching staff and site representatives. This course will cover an introduction to Digimap’s Ordnance Survey Collection, including mapping facilities and downloading data.

For further information on the course and to book online, please read the EDINA website here:


Digimap OpenStream Updated

Digimap OpenStream, EDINA’s new open WMS service, was been updated with the latest version of MiniScale from the OS OpenData collection on 25 January 2011. The most significant changes to this dataset include improved ferry route labeling and a different representation of urban areas.

EDINA aims to provide the latest version of OS OpenData via the OpenStream service. This means that datasets may be updated part way through an academic year.

MasterMap Download: 4-7 February 2011

Work being undertaken by the University of Edinburgh will affect the availability of Digimap’s MasterMap Download facility from Friday 4th to Monday 7th February 2011.

MasterMap Download will be unavailable from 4pm on Friday 4 February until 12 noon on Monday 7 February and will continue to be at risk for the remainder of Monday 7th. We would encourage anyone wishing to take data for use the following week to take it prior to Friday 4th February.

While the maintenance work may be completed over the weekend, there is further software maintenance to be undertaken by EDINA following the University’s works. Currently it is difficult to estimate the length of time this will take, which is why MasterMap Download should be regarded as “at risk” for the remainder of Monday 7th February.

Marine Roam Free Trial

We are currently offering free trial access to the new Marine Roam facility to institutions which do not yet subscribe to Marine Digimap.

Marine Roam provides the only available online mapping tool for Hydrospatial data, a comprehensive dataset of features found in the marine environment, including buoys, wrecks, windfarms, sandbanks, flora and fauna, as well as transportation and socio-economic use information. Marine Roam is currently available as a beta service.

Any staff member at a UK Higher or Further Education Institution can request a free trial. EDINA will issue one username and password per institution which may be shared with anyone at that institution wishing to try the facility. Passwords will be valid until 31 March 2011.

Please feel free to pass this message to others who may be interested or request your trial account.

Request a free trial now

Information regarding how to subscribe to the Marine Digimap resource can be found at – http://edina.ac.uk/digimap/access/ a subscription provides access to data download facilities as well as online mapping.

OpenStream and the GeoVation Challenge

Ordnance Survey is currently promoting the GeoVation Challenge with a particular emphasis on the use of OS OpenData. EDINA’s Digimap OpenStream service, providing access to a Web Map Service (WMS) offering OS OpenData products, is available free of charge and can be used to enter the GeoVation Challenge! You just need a .ac.uk email address to register online. Read on for details of the innovation awards funding and prize money.

The current Challenge is “How can we improve transport in Britain?” Check the GeoVation Challenge website for further details. The challenge is open until 12.00 noon on 11 February 2011. If you have a great idea that uses geography to address the challenge, you could win a slice of £150,000 to help make it happen, funded by the Ideas in Transit project. There is also a share of £10,000 for the idea that demonstrates the best use of OS OpenData. The Challenge is open to UK residents 18 and over.

Revamp of Digimap Help pages

We have implemented a new Help system for the Marine and Geology Digimap collections (Marine Help and Geology Help). The Help pages have been moved to a new production system which will make is easier for us to keep them more up to date and allow you to find the information you are looking for more easily and print better looking pages.

Visually there is not much change to the pages but over the coming months we will be updating and revising the content of the Help pages within Digimap to provide users with improved access to information about the Digimap facilities, the data available and how to use the data in different systems.

If you have any comments about the new Help pages or suggestions please let us know.

Tip: if you want to search for a phrase put it in quotes e.g. “zoom to position”

AGI Awards – Digimap Highly Commended

EDINA has receive a Highly Commended mention at the annual Association for Geographic Information (AGI) Awards for Innovation and Best Practice. http://www.agi.org.uk/agi-awards/

EDINA was entered in the Innovation and Best Practice (Charitable Status) category based on the presentation given at GeoCommunity 2010 by Tim Riley. Tim presented a paper entitled Digimap: 10 Years Old and yet Brand New. The migration of an established service to new GIS infrastructure. This described how much of the infrastructure of Digimap had been updated to a mainly Open Source solution which significantly improved the quality of service offered by Digimap. You can download Tim’s paper here: http://assgeoinf.squarespace.com/storage/geocommunity/papers/TimRiley.pdf

and view his presentation here: http://prezi.com/vkvslwzxtkzr/digimap-10-years-old-and-yet-brand-new-migration-to-a-new-gis-platform/

The winner of this charitable status section went to MapAction for their work in response to the Haiti and Pakistan earthquakes.

Digimap for Schools launched

Baroness Joan Hanham CBE, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (CLG) has launched a brand new service to help improve the teaching of geography in schools with Dr Vanessa Lawrence CB, Director General and Chief Executive of national mapping agency Ordnance Survey. The launch took place at Graveney School in Wandsworth, London on Wednesday 10 November at 2pm.

Ordnance Survey is increasing its support for the teaching of geography at all levels by launching a brand new online mapping service for all schools across Great Britain. ‘Digimap for Schools’ provides schools with easy access to Ordnance Survey’s most detailed digital mapping for the whole of Great Britain. For the first time, pupils will have access to maps showing individual building outlines as well as familiar scales of mapping used by outdoor enthusiasts and on websites.


Digimap for Schools
View of the Digimap for Schools service

To read the full story, visit the OS website.

Tell us what you think:

Here at EDINA we are constantly evaluating our services and really value user feedback. Our funders are also keen to know what impact the services have. We are currently assessing how satisfied our users are with the Digimap Collections so we can gauge how well we are doing. Please could you fill in a quick user satisfaction survey for each of the Digimap Collections you use; you can pass on the links to anyone else you know who uses Digimap.

OS Collection
Historic Digimap
Geology Digimap
Marine Digimap

The survey is very short with only 5 questions after you have put in some details about yourself. All data collected will be held anonymously and securely. No cookies are used in the completion of the survey.

Go-Geo! for all things geo.

EDINA would like to take this opportunity to remind Digimap users that another of it’s JISC-funded services Go-Geo! (www.gogeo.ac.uk) can save time and effort when looking for geodata. Searches for data can be carried out against a number of catalogues held across government holdings, research data centres and data repositories. Increasingly Go-Geo! offers direct access to the data but if not, it offers the name and contact details of whom to contact to obtain the data. Go-Geo! also offers resource channels which can be browsed for up-to-date news and information on free software, online services, data providers, events and books. For those creating data as part of their studies there’s a wealth of information describing how best to document and describe geospatial data including access to geodoc, a tool for creating standards-compliant metadata. For all your geospatial data needs visit www.gogeo.ac.uk today.