Edinburgh University Students’ Association’s Student-Led Teaching Awards are back to recognise outstanding members of learning and support staff. After a challenging year for everyone, we’re celebrating our worthy nominees by shouting about their successes across our digital platforms.

What is your full name?
Ricky Carvel
What is your job title?
Senior Lecturer
What school or service do you work in?
School of Engineering
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your role.
I teach mostly optional courses in fire science, fire engineering and computer fire models to honours students doing Fire Safety Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering.
What does it mean to you to have been nominated for a Teaching Award this year?
This year has been a hard year for everyone. In my classes this year I tried to bring a bit of fun and a taste of Scotland to students who may have been missing out on both. This nomination confirms that the extra effort was worth it!
What’s your favourite part of your role and working with students?
I love it when I see someone wrestle with something they don’t initially understand, but then finally ‘get it’!
How have you adapted your approach to teaching and supporting students under the Hybrid Model this year?
I teach a subject that is fundamentally interesting to most people, but this year in particular I tried to add extra fun and make things as interactive as possible.
What’s been the biggest challenge in your role this year?
Not seeing students’ faces. In online classes a lot of students kept their cameras off, and even in person they didn’t take masks off, so I struggled to match up names to faces, and don’t feel that I got to know the class as well as we usually do.
What would you say to the student(s) who nominated you, or students who are considering submitting a nomination for a staff member who has had an impact on them?
Thanks! This year students have had a hard time of it, but in many cases so have the staff. You probably didn’t get to see the struggles that went on behind the scenes to develop and deliver the teaching this year. So if you had an experience in class that was great this year, please champion it! I’m sure a lot of hidden work went into it!
To find out more about the Teaching Awards and browse nomination categories, please visit the Students’ Association’s website.