Publication by the Spanish Team

The Spanish Team published an article on anonymity and digital Islamic authority:

Astor, A., Khir-Allah, G., & Martínez-Cuadros, R. (2024). Anonymity and Digital Islamic Authority. Religions15(12).

The article can be accessed here:

Publication by the Polish Team

New publication by Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska, Mateusz Chudziak & Joanna Krotofil from the DigitIslam Polish Team entitled: “Rola edukacyjna chutb w polskich meczetach: między polskością a muzułmańskością” [Educational role of the khutbahs in Polish mosques: Between Polishness and Muslimness]. The article (in Polish with an English-language abstract) can be found here.

Roundtable discussion by the Lithuanian Team

On the 24th of September, 2024, Prof. Egdūnas Račius and Dr. Arvydas Kumpis from the Lithuanian Team organised an online discussion with Lithuanian NGOs, media representatives, Muslim religious organisations and Muslim community members. Before the discussion, some insights drawn from the project research about the online presence of Lithuanian Muslim communities were presented by the Lithuania Team. The event was in Lithuanian.

You may find the recoding of the discussion here.

Publication by the Sweden team 

Larsson, G., & Willander, E. (2024). Muslims and social media: A scoping review. Information, Communication & Society, 1–15.


Interview by the ARCH/Archive-it team about the DigiIslam experience on web archiving

Prof. Gary R Bunt and Dr. Anna Grasso of the UK team participated in a interview discussing their experience in the use of web archiving tools along with Dr. Muhammed Alamghir Ahmed (working on our partner project Digital British Islam).

Islam i muzułmanie w praktyce szkolnej: Materiały dydaktyczne online

(Islam and Muslims in school practice: Online teaching materials)

The Polish team has prepared an online publication about the most interesting and relevant free material about Islam available on the Internet. We hope the publication will help teachers and educators during lessons and meetings.

The publication can be download here:
