Gary R Bunt (UK Team and Website data analysis)
Anna Grasso (UK Team and Website data analysis)
Avi Astor (Spain Team)
Rosa Martinez Cuadros (Spain Team)
Mateusz Chudziak (Poland Team)
Arvydas Kumpis (Lithuania Team)

This collection is part of the Digital Islam Across Europe project’s archive. One of the DigitIslam project outputs focuses on website data and collection analysis. The objective is to identify, catalogue and analyse Muslim organisations’ and actors’ websites (Online Islamic Environments or OIEs) from these different countries.1

In the “Israel-Hamas crisis responses” collection we saved most of the website links mentioned in our blog post.2 We find press releases, articles, sermons and other resources produced by Muslim organisations and media in our different countries 3 regarding this conflict.  

This archive consists of an initial capture. We will be updating this list in due course. We believe this data can become a useful tool for researchers and the general public who have an interest in digital Islam across Europe as well as those who are mostly focused on the study of Muslim European responses to the ongoing Israel-Hamas crisis. Moreover, the analysis of these sites will be part of a wider project output through presentations and publications. 

  1. For more information on this: back
  2. Some websites such as FIFS blocked out our ”crawls” so the only way to obtain this data is to reach out to the institutions. The statements by the Liga Muzułmańska w RP (Poland) and by Västerås mosque (Sweden) aren‘t visible on the captured pages but a copy of the statements can be found directly on our blog post.  back
  3. The UK DigitIslam team is developing and archiving material from Swedish online sources. back

Image by hosny salah from Pixabay
