Carto not working in Mozilla Firefox?

Carto Start Page

If you use Mozilla’s Firefox as your browser then you may not be able to access Digimap’s Carto application.  The reason for this is that Mozilla is now (from the 30th August 2012) automatically blocking Java.  The reason that Mozilla has taken this stance is that a Java exploit has been added to the notorious Blackhole exploit toolkit.  In simple terms, running Java applications through your browser opens your machine up to hackers, and we dont want that.

We are working on Carto’s successor which we hope to launch in 2013 and this will not rely on Java.  If you need to use Carto, then it will still work in Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers. Hopefully Java will patch the breach soon and it will work again in Firefox.

For more information about this security issue please read this.

Digimap gets a facelift

You may have noticed some changes to the Digimap interface over the past month. Yes, Digimap has a brand new and shiny new home page. The old home page had been around for a number of years and was starting to look it’s age. In this post we will take a look at the new interface to help you find your way around.

New Digimap Homepage

The new design splits the home page into 3 sections:

Maps and Data Collections panel – This panel provides top-level navigation allowing users to switch between different collections and account administration without having to leave the Digimap home page.  When you select an option from this list, the information is displayed in the central panel.

Eagle-eyed users may have spotted that the left hand Maps and Data Collection panel has some room for expansion.  We hope to add more data in the future and have been pulling together a number of environmental datasets which could form an Environment Collection.  Do you have any suggestions for other collections you would like to see in Digimap?  If you do, then add them as a comment.

Central Panel – the central panel provides links and information related to the collection selected from the left panel.  The information is split into sections which can be expanded or hidden by clicking on the section headings.  If you want to make a simple map, click the “view annotate and print” section to see what is available.  Services, such as Roam and Data Download are accessed by clicking on the service names.  If you want help or further information about a collection, look under the “Help Resources” section.

Digimap Ordnance Survey Panel

News panel – On the right hand side of the home page you will find links to the Digimap blog and twitter account.  We intend to post interesting Digimap news here as well so it is well worth having a quick glance at this panel as you pass through the home page.

One really good aspect of the new home page is that it allows users to see collections their institution do not currently subscribe to.  Why is this good?  Well, if a collection looks interesting and of use in teaching and learning you may be able to show colleagues who may then be able to convince institutions to subscribe.  Think of it as a shop window!

However, it has not all been plain sailing.  The cosmetic changes are just the tip of the iceberg. Significant work has taken place on the connections, authentication and the databases.  This work was tricky and threw up some unforeseen issues. If you spot something that isn’t working or just looks wrong, please contact us (  It helps if you can tell us which web browser you are using too (and which version!). We would also like to hear what you think of the new interface; just add a comment to this post or send comments to the help desk (


New 1:25,000 scale raster in Roam, Carto and Data Download

The 1:25,000 scale Raster mapping has been updated in Digimap Roam, Carto and Data Download. This new data is the latest release by Ordnance Survey from May 2012. There has been quite a few changes with just under a third of the country seeing updates with this release.
Some of the areas with the most changes have been in the Scottish Highlands and the main London 2012 Olympic site in East London.
It is great to see (what looks like) the mapping completed for the site, and to compare how it has taken shape over the last year. Download the maps from Data Download to view the changes for yourself.

Spot the difference between the Olympic site maps - 2011 (left) and 2012 (right)

Welcome to the new Digimap home page

On Tuesday 10th July we launched the new Digimap homepage. This makes it easier and quicker to find the services and resources you are looking for. The new interface allows you to browse the services available before logging in and you can even access all the training, help and support resources. There is a dynamic feed from the blog, a showcase of other services we offer, and links to our social media sites.

To see the new interface go to:

Geoforum 2012 Time-lapse Video

During Geoforum 2012 a camera was taking photos every minute. We used some very clever software to create this time-lapse video of the event.

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

Thanks again to everyone who turned up to the event and helped make it so successful. If you weren’t able to attend or would like to remind yourself of what happened, the live blog recorded the main points of all of the presentations: Geoforum Live Blog

More Data Download Improvements

The new Data Download has been updated with a few more enhancements that will make it even easier to use; it is now no longer in BETA.

Data Download Improvements May 2012A selection of the improvements made include:

  • Changes to where you change between panning the map and drawing a rectangle to select to make it more obvious what you are doing.
  • A general improvement of the lay out and buttons used.
  • My Account has been moved to the top right of the screen.
  • Better product information by clicking on the info icon.
  • You can clear the selection you have just made using the Data Download Clear Selection button.
  • A greatly improved preview of the each dataset in basket, showing what the product is like, what it can be used for, and the extent of the area you are taking:

Data Preview Improvements May 2012These changes have been made in response to recommendations from a usability project run in conjunction with the redevelopment of the Data Download service. You can read more about this project, called USeD, on its blog here:

USeD Project Blog

The enhancements also include a fix to a bug that some users experienced when using the latest version of the Google Chrome web browser; the interface no longer offsets the area you select when displaying it on the map.

Three weeks till Geoforum 2012

It is now just over three weeks till the Geoforum event at the National Railway Museum in York on the 20th of June. We already have close to 60 people booked to attend, with backgrounds as diverse as sports science and medicine through construction to more traditional areas such as geography and the natural environment.

Representatives for: Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, Landmark Information Group, SeaZone Solutions, ESRI, Cadcorp, Landmap and Old Maps Online, will all be present to let you know about their latest developments and how their products and services can help you. We have also just released a more detailed timetable for the day, available at the end of this post.

To find out more and book your place at the event go to the website:

EDINA Geoforum 2012

For those who may need to justify their travel expenses here are a few reasons why all those who support the use of geographic data and services at their institution should attend:

Reasons for Attending:

  • Get up-to-date with all the latest geo datasets and services available from EDINA.
  • Find out how site reps at other institutions are promoting and supporting the use of geo-services.
  • Learn how some of EDINA’s shared services can be used at your institution:
    • Embed Ordnance Survey maps in websites with Digimap OpenStream
    • Search text documents or websites searches for place names with Unlock Text.
    • Create thematic maps online using your own data, without GIS software.
  • Meet representatives of the data providers including: Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey and Landmark Solutions.
  • Speak to GIS software vendors ESRI and Cadcorp about the latest software developments and how they can help you and your institution.

Programme for the Day:

10:00 Registration with Refreshments
10:25 Welcome
10:30 What EDINA is Working on, including:

  • Digimap’s new Home Page
  • Data Download Usability
  • Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality
11:25 Break with Refreshments
11:45 Keynote Speaker – Professor Dave Martin
12:10 Lightning Talks from our Partners and Suppliers
12:45 Lunch Including:

  • Service Demonstrations
  • Visit the stands of our Partners and Suppliers
14:00 Projects and Middleware Demonstrations:

  • Addressing History
  • Unlock
  • GoGeo / Geodoc / ShareGeo
  • Digimap OpenStream
  • Thematic Mapper
Support Workshop covering the following areas:

  • Your top 10 FAQs
  • How is GIS & CAD used at your institution?
  • What support do materials you need from EDINA?
  • How do you find out information about Geoservices?
  • What else can we do to help your institution use Digimap?
14:55 Break with Refreshments
15:15 EDINA future developments
15:35 User Feedback on EDINA’s Geo-Services
15:50 Closing Remarks
16:00 Close

New Meridian™ 2 Data in Digimap Roam and Carto

We have updated the Meridian map data in Digimap Roam and Carto. In Digimap Roam Meridian data along with Land-Form PANORAMA contours  form the District view.

Newport in Digimap Roam District View May 2012There are no changes to the cartography or the types of features shown, however the maps are now using the latest Meridian data updated in January 2012.

Don’t forget you can add hill shading to maps using the Hill Shading Icon icon at the top right of the map. The hill shading can really add to the look of your map, and is especially good when you create a PDF.

District View with Hill Shading

Geoforum 2012: Programme & Booking Information

Digimap LogoBooking is now open for the EDINA Geoforum Event on the 20th of June at the National Railway Museum, York. All the details including a provisional programme are on the website:

National Railway MuseumThis free event will provide an important opportunity for anyone who supports geographic services, data and software to find out what EDINA is doing with Digimap and our other geo-services.

training courseThere will also be representatives from our data suppliers, partner institutions and some of the major GIS software vendors present. The event will a be a great way to get yourself up-to-date with what is happening with maps and geospatial data in Higher and Further Education.

Please register here:

We look forward to seeing you there.