About this course
In June 2020, the EdClinEd team at the University of Edinburgh, with help from some world-leading educational scholars, developed and ran an online course to help lecturers in healthcare education to design their own online/hybrid courses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have now made the course workbook available for others to benefit from the materials and tasks involved.
Our current situation highlights, more than ever, a need for educators to be able to design courses that are responsive to dynamic learning contexts and environments, and that prepare students to negotiate the uncertainty and complexity of the future. This course was specifically designed to foster this design ethic by avoiding entrenched assumptions about what courses should look like, how teachers should teach, or how students should go about their learning. These materials will not provide answers but support you in finding your own answers, by encouraging you to deconstruct your designs-in-progress, with the help of your peers, continuously adapting them as you generate insights about the purposes of your course and the possible and probable needs and circumstances of your current and future students.
agile course design workbook – OER
Course organiser: Tim Fawns (@timbocop)
Also featuring: Derek Jones (@Dr_Derek_Jones)
Gill Aitken (@GillAitken2)