This episode of the Teaching Matters podcast accompanies our March-April 2021 series on internationalisation curated by Dr Omolabake (Labake) Fakunle as guest editor. Dr Fakunle is a Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Edinburgh (UoE) and Coordinator of the MSc Education General Pathway at Moray House School of Education and Sport.
Don’t underestimate the practical and relationship difficulties of managing projects of this size across different sectors and across international time zones and don’t underestimate the personal pressures that these sorts of projects put you under (Shari Sabeti)
In this episode, Dr Fakunle talks to Dr. Shari Sabeti, a Reader in Arts and Humanities Education at Moray House about her experience of working on an international academic collaboration project aimed at understanding Marshallese children’s experiences of displacement and belonging. They discuss the hidden narratives of international academic collaboration projects, what it takes to balance ‘the doing’ and ‘the managing’ of research, and what gets left behind in order for the publications, conference presentations and institutional data to happen. We hope you enjoy this important, practical, entertaining, and very human conversation that normalises the messiness of international collaboration projects…

Further Information on Dr. Sabeti’s International Academic Collaboration Project
- Dr. Sabeti’s article about making murals – based on her participation in workshops and interview with the artist and teachers: ‘Making Murals in the Marshall Islands and Hawai’i: an exploration of the limits and possibilities of artistic agency.’ Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture (10:1)71-87 https://doi.org/10.1386/cjmc.10.1.71_1
- The Project Website: http://www.map.llc.ed.ac.uk
Shari Sabeti
Dr. Shari Sabeti is Reader in Arts and Humanities Education at Moray House School of Education and Sport. Her research interests focus on arts and cultural heritage education across a variety of sites, including museums, school, community and commercial contexts. She has written about creative writing, literary and visual adaptation, and gallery education practices, paying close attention to the perspective of artists and creative practitioners through ethnographic and arts-based methods.
Omolabake (Labake) Fakunle
Dr Omolabake (Labake) Fakunle is a Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Edinburgh (UoE) and Coordinator of the MSc Education General Pathway, Moray House School of Education. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Labake leads an EDI subgroup at the School level and is a Steering Group Member for the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) Project on Decoloniality (2021-2024). Her award-winning research explores the intersection of internationalisation, inclusivity, employability and education policy. Labake has led and worked with multi-disciplinary teams on national and multi-national research projects in higher education.
Email: omolabake.fakunle@ed.ac.uk
Twitter @LabakeFakunle
Joe Arton
Dr Joe Arton is an Academic Developer at the Institute for Academic Development at the University of Edinburgh, he is the co-editor and producer of Teaching Matters blog and podcast and curates The Edinburgh Hybrid Teaching Exchange, the University of Edinburgh’s internal site for Hybrid Teaching and Learning resources and best practice.
[…] Feel free to listen to the podcast in full here: Cocktails & Cockups: The Hidden Narratives of International Academic Collaboration Projects […]