In this Teaching Matters podcast series, produced by The Race Equality and Anti-Racist Sub-Committee (REAR) at The University of Edinburgh in collaboration with Teaching Matters, we hear from different academics at the University about what Decolonising the Curriculum means for them, and how they have put this into practice in their learning and teaching or research. They also share some readings that they have found useful.
In this episode, Professor Emerita Rowena Arshad, Chair in Multicultural and Anti-Racist Education talks to Ayanda Ngobeni a Law Student at The University of Edinburgh, Black and Ethnic Minority Liberation Campaign Officer and Mastercard Foundation Scholar African Leadership Academy Alum (Class of 2016).
Ayanda Ngobeni’s Recommendations:
- Angelou, Maya. “Still I Rise.” Making Literature Matter: An Anthology for Readers and Writers, edited by John Schilb and John Clifford, 7th ed., Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2020, pp. 127-131
Series Produced and Edited By
Joséphine Foucher
Joséphine is doing a PhD in Sociology at The University of Edinburgh. Her research looks at the intersection between art and politics in contemporary Cuba. She supports Jenny Scoles as the Teaching Matters Co-Editor and Student Engagement Officer through the PhD Intern scheme at the Institute for Academic Development.
Joseph Arton
Dr. Joe Arton is an Academic Developer at the Institute for Academic Development at the University of Edinburgh, he is a member of the University’s Curriculum Transformation Programme Team and curated The Edinburgh Hybrid Teaching Exchange, the University of Edinburgh’s internal site for Hybrid Teaching and Learning resources and best practice. He has a PhD in Film and Media and specialises in digital media for academic development and multimodal teaching.