Bings Ain’t What They Used To be
Bings Ain’t What They Used To be
.pdf of lecture to National Mining Museum Bings2
1. The past 300 years have seen miraculous advances in civilization and the quality of life, largely brought about by extracting the prodigious energy resources of fossil fuels.
2. Paraffin Young: a truly remarkable Scottish genius – created the world’s first petro-chemical industry in the early 1850s.
3. Scotland’s coal and shale bings have largely been removed or transformed from ugly blots on the landscape into scenic, community sites.
4. Fracking for gas: Scotland’s geology will not allow economic viability.
5. Scotland’s energy trilemma: a major headache – our governments show no signs of having a coherent, long-term vision.
6. In global terms – the end of fossil fuels is not about to happen anytime soon.
Bings Ain’t What They Used To be / Roy Thompson by blogadmin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0
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