BAM TCP Atlantic Square Limited v BT plc [2020] CSOH 57 presents something approaching a full house of recent hot topics in conveyancing: interpretation of a deed of conditions; determination of the scope of common property; the transitional provisions in the Land Registration etc (Scotland) Act 2012; positive prescription and the offside goals rule. Lady Wolffe is therefore to be congratulated for managing to get through everything in a mere 95 paragraphs. The focus of this blog, however, is the interaction between inaccuracy as understood under the 1979 and 2012 Act, and the offside goals rule.
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In the second of a two-part posting, Rod Thomas, an academic visitor to Edinburgh Law School, considers how moves to privatise the process of land registration have unfolded in Australia and Canada.
Comments closedLooking over the horizon, there are two challenges that may soon engage the attention of the Land Register of Scotland: the automation of the register and the privatisation of its operation. These have increasingly preoccupied Australasian and Canadian registries over the last ten to twenty years.
In the first of a two-part posting, Rod Thomas, an academic visitor to Edinburgh Law School, considers how automation of the register has unfolded in Australia and New Zealand.
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