Some Fun with the Annotation Tools

We have been having a play around with the new annotation tools in Digimap Roam here at EDINA, and have come up with a few things you might like to try.

Firstly, you will have no doubt been adding many new features to maps but have you tried taking some away?

A farm shown in Digimap Roam
© Crown copyright/database right 2010. Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.

This is the original map area, a MasterMap map showing some large farm buildings to the left of the original farm house. If you had some information about how the area looked prior to their construction you could recreate a map form the past.

Farm replaced by grass.
© Crown copyright/database right 2010. Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.



The map on the right shows the area after a large green polygon has been drawn over the building area.  Make sure you select an appropriate line width and style for the map, and remember to set the opacity to maximum. You needn’t stop there though, you could add buildings on top of the green polygon representing those that had existed previously.


You can also use the annotation tools for some other neat tricks.  The image below shows how you can trace around existing features, a car park in this case, and use the measurement tool to work out its area. By making the polygon fully transparent you can then print out your result without obscuring the original features.

Car park with an area measurement.
© Crown copyright/database right 2010. Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY.

Finally you can use multiple lines and polygons, annotated with text to build up complex new features on the map. The example below shows a proposed new airport in the Thames Estuary:


Annotation Tools now in Digimap Roam

The Annotation tools are now available to use in Digimap Roam.  We have a quick guide on what you can do with them on YouTube:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

We also have a section in the Digimap Help Pages that describes how each of the different tools works:

Annotation Tools Help

Annotations ToolbarThese annotation tools are a first phase, to see what you find the most useful. We would like to hear from you about any changes or additions you would like making to the tools. Please send feedback to our help desk:

Mailto: EDINA help desk

Changes and Additions to Digimap on Tuesday 17th May

Digimap will be ‘at risk’ between 17:30 and 18:30 on  May 17th to allow for some service changes and improvements to be made. Access to the service will have to be disrupted intermittently during this period as we add in some new features and make some software upgrades.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope that you find the new additions useful.

Along with new features being added on the 17th of May all print requests from Digimap Roam and Geology Roam will have to be made using the print button  Print Button at the top right of the map. We will be removing the print tab from the list on the left of the map on June the 21st, but until then it will carry instructions on where to find the print button.

Print Tab

We are removing the tab to make room for the new features we are planning to add into the list on the left in the future.  You may have noticed that it is already getting a little crowded in Geology Roam, with Geology Photos and an Overview Map being added since the service was launched, and there are more additions on the way.

New Annotation Tools: Coming Soon

EDINA has been busy over these last few months creating some significant new features for Digimap Roam. To go along with the measurement tools we added at the beginning of April we are now working on some annotation tools.

Annotations ToolbarThese tools will allow you to draw symbols, lines and polygons on the map; add text, labels and area values; and set the colour and style of the features you have added. The features you add remain the same geographical size when zooming in and out and you can include them on your PDF print maps.

Annotations in use
Final version may differ from the image shown above.

You can download a sample PDF map here: Sample Annotations

We hope to have the annotation tools added soon, please keep checking the blog or the Digimap Facebook page for further announcements.


New Features in Digimap Roam

Measurement Tools:

Digimap Roam has new measurement tools that allow you to easily check the distance between two or more points and find out the area of a polygon you draw on the map.

Click on the Digimap Roam Measurement Tools Icon icon above the map to activate the tools.  Select Distance or Area then start clicking on the map to define your line or polygon; use a double click to finish.

Digimap Roam Measuring Tools
The new measurement tools in Digimap Roam

New Local Plus View:

Digimap Roam has also got a new zoom level to go with the measurement tools, bringing the total to 13.  The view, called Local Plus, is a more zoomed out view of the 1:50,000 colour raster maps found in the Local view. The image above uses this new view as well as the measurement tools.

The Local Plus view prints at 1:40,000 compared to 1:20,000 for the Local view.

Firefox 4: compatability with Roam

Mozilla have just released their latest web browser: Firefox version 4.

EDINA is aware that while the majority of functionality within Digimap will work with Firefox 4, you may find that you need to restart the Roam mapping services, and sometimes their print facilities, to get them to work properly. The problem is due to the underlying software we use to make maps not yet being compatible with Firefox 4; usually after reloading everything works smoothly.

Please bear with us while we make the necessary updates to ensure that Digimap is fully compatible with Firefox 4. If you cannot get any aspect of the service working properly then please contact the help desk:

AGI Awards – Digimap Highly Commended

EDINA has receive a Highly Commended mention at the annual Association for Geographic Information (AGI) Awards for Innovation and Best Practice.

EDINA was entered in the Innovation and Best Practice (Charitable Status) category based on the presentation given at GeoCommunity 2010 by Tim Riley. Tim presented a paper entitled Digimap: 10 Years Old and yet Brand New. The migration of an established service to new GIS infrastructure. This described how much of the infrastructure of Digimap had been updated to a mainly Open Source solution which significantly improved the quality of service offered by Digimap. You can download Tim’s paper here:

and view his presentation here:

The winner of this charitable status section went to MapAction for their work in response to the Haiti and Pakistan earthquakes.

Changes to Digimap on 26 January

Yesterday, Tuesday 26 January 2010, some changes were made to Digimap. These are detailed as follows:

1. Classic removed from Ordnance Survey Collection.
As advertised on 5 October 2009 and 6 January 2010 this old facility has been removed and replaced by the new Roam facility. You can find a demonstration of Roam on the EDINA website: Roam demonstration

2. Historic Digimap “preview map sheet” button has been removed.
This function used out-of-date technology to render the original historical map sheets in the browser window. It was extremely slow and was dependent upon software installed on a machine which is being decommissioned. It is much quicker and more user-friendly to download the map sheet required and view it locally.

3. Marine Digimap Hydrospatial data updated.
The 2009 version of SeaZone’s Hydrospatial data is now available through Hydrospatial Download. Late delivery of the data has meant a delay of the release from September 2009 to January 2010.

Digimap Classic Removal

On 26 January, the Digimap Classic mapping facility available in the OS Collection will be removed and will no longer be available for use. NOTE: ALL OTHER DIGIMAP FACILITIES WILL REMAIN AS THEY ARE.

Any maps present in your Classic Map Chest on 26 January will be lost. Please ensure that you print or save any maps that you require before 26 January. Please contact the EDINA Helpdesk ( if you require any assistance in saving or printing maps from Classic.

The new Roam facility (released in October 2009) replaces Classic as the standard mapping facility in Digimap OS Collection. Key features of Roam include: 12 fixed scale map views, click-and-drag navigation or “slippy maps” and enhanced printing options enabling you to generate printable PDF maps in landscape or portrait and A4 or A3 size. Roam is a significant improvement on Classic, providing many enhanced futures and an easier to use, more intuitive user interface.



Roam – new mapping tool available

Today, Monday 5 October, a new mapping tool is available to all registered users, through Digimap’s Ordnance Survey Collection.

Roam, the new mapping facility, is available as a BETA service and will therefore be subject to various improvements over the next few months. Planned changes include:
– additional print formats as alternatives to PDF
– inclusion of scalebar on printed maps
– provision of scale and extent indication on screen maps
– adding a “My Maps” function for bookmarking maps

Roam offers “click and drag” functions to locate your map, 12 map views at different scales, printing in PDF at both A3 and A4 sizes, search by place name, postcode or grid reference, seamless scrolling through the fixed scale maps and 5 customisable map views. You can access Roam from the icon above Classic in Digimap’s Ordnance Survey Collection home page.

We hope you will use the new facility and let us know what you think of it. There is a link within Roam for you to report any feedback you have (positive and negative). You can also email us on or telephone us on 0131 650 3302.

Roam will replace the current Classic facility in January 2010.