In this extra post, the authors share details about the new Computer Science Education Group; an innovative initiative that aims to bring together staff and students of varied backgrounds involved in Computer Science Education. Cristina Adriana Alexandru is a Lecturer in the School of Informatics and Felipe Costa Sperb is a University Teacher and subject area expert in Financial Computing at the School of Informatics.
We are thrilled to introduce the Computer Science Education (CSE) Group, a new initiative organised by a team of teaching-focused academics from the School of Informatics. Led by Felipe Costa Sperb and Cristina Adriana Alexandru, the CSE group is on a mission to bring together staff and students not only from The University of Edinburgh but also from across the UK and beyond, who are involved in learning and teaching, and share a collective passion for advancing Computer Science Education.
What Sets Us Apart?
At the heart of the CSE Group is a commitment to building a diverse community that leverages the expertise of its members coming from varied roles and backgrounds. By fostering collaboration across disciplines and areas of practice, our goal is to actively advance the landscape of Computer Science Education. We provide a platform for our members to engage in impactful research and practical projects while supporting the dissemination of outcomes within our School and beyond. You can find more about us on our website: https://web.inf.ed.ac.uk/cse↗️.
What to Expect This Year
To achieve its objectives, the CSE Group has an exciting lineup of events planned for the year, catering to a wide range of interests:
- Members-Only Events: Focused on pedagogic practice and research in Computer Science Education, these events are designed to keep members informed about the latest advancements, facilitate peer-to-peer learning and collaboration, and inspire action in terms of research or improving pedagogic practices.
- Teaching Hour Events: Open to all staff in the School of Informatics, these sessions will delve into more general-interest Computer Science Education topics. They will also serve as a platform for disseminating group outcomes through a series of talks presented by CSE Group members and other guest speakers.
Our Journey So Far
The recent CSE Group launch event on October 4th raised significant interest, resulting in a doubling of our membership. We are delighted to welcome associate members from the University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, and University College Dublin following the launch event. The event also sparked discussions on student sense of belonging in Higher Education, and the importance of incorporating accessibility considerations and topics both in the content and delivery of Computer Science Higher Education.
Following the success of our launch event, the group is setting up for an exciting programme of events, including our first extended-formula members’ meeting.
Join Us in Advancing Computer Science Education!
Membership in the CSE Group comes in different roles:
- Organisers: Play a crucial role in planning and executing all group activities, taking on roles within Members’, Research, and Teaching Hour Committees.
- Members: Enjoy full participation in all group activities and benefit from the wealth of resources made available by the group.
- Associate Members: Open to peers from outside the University of Edinburgh, who can engage in more general-purpose group activities and access broader resources made available by the group.
If you would like to join the CSE group and be part of this thriving community, whether as an organiser, member, or associate member, please reach out to Borislav Ikonomov at bikonomo@ed.ac.uk↗️.
Cristina Adriana Alexandru
Cristina Adriana Alexandru is a Lecturer in the School of Informatics and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She teaches a large-scale, second year undergraduate Software Engineering course, conducts training for academic staff, organises a summer programming course for incoming first year students, and line manages the team of University Teachers and University Tutors. She is passionate about teaching, computer science education, and building usable and useful technology for teaching and learning, which is why many of her undergraduate, Masters and research projects are in these areas. She hopes these projects will have a real impact on her school and community.
Felipe Costa Sperb
Dr. Felipe Costa Sperb is a University Teacher and subject area expert in Financial Computing at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. With a career spanning since 2015, Felipe is an experienced higher education professional who has always been captivated by using empirical approaches to explore how individuals learn and make decisions in real-world scenarios.
In his commitment to advancing education, Felipe proudly co-founded the Computer Science Education (CSE) Group. Through this initiative, Felipe seeks to inspire fellow peers to engage in education research. His mission is to facilitate knowledge exchange and enhance teaching practices in Computer Science and beyond, fostering a community dedicated to advancing education in diverse domains.