In this category you can find blogs aiming to increase awareness and self-reflection on topics relevant to our academic, but also more widely to our citizen self.
To the Academic Community of the School of Health in Social Science, You all must have received at least a couple of emails in the last couple of months regarding something called ‘ConveRACEions’. This letter is to help you get a better sense of the context. Going back a few …
When I tell people that I am studying gestational diabetes as part of my PhD, I mostly receive a blank stare or a vague “oh, that’s interesting…” in return. As a disease of pregnancy, gestational diabetes doesn’t affect half of the population and for those it does impact, it usually goes away …
Regardless if you are vegan or not, you may have already considered how your diet influences the planet and all the organisms living on it—especially now, when we are faced with environmental disasters and persistent news about animal cruelty. However, the discourse about veganism is complex. As a researcher in the field of eating disorders, I …
Last Saturday, on 10th October, we commemorated ‘World Mental Health Day’! World Mental Health Day is the international day to acknowledging the importance of mental health, and the theme for this year was ‘mental health for all’. This day aims to raise awareness and fight stigma and discrimination associated with mental health …
These are unprecedented times being experienced the world over. Seemingly everything is coming to an accelerated standstill. The world is experiencing upheavals of varying complexities—upheavals to remove archaic structures and to shake up antiquated norms. The rose–colored lens with which we view the outside realms of affairs are broadening largely …
Anecdotally, we all know that animals make us happy. Spending a few minutes playing with a puppy or watching a video of some cute animals on YouTube is sure to put a smile on your face. But did you know that research has shown several benefits of spending time with …