Example 1st Year Timetable

Computer Science student, Sraddheya, tells us about a typical week in Year 1, Semester 1 in the School of Informatics.
NOTE: This is a sample timetable only, meant to give you an idea of what Year 1, Semester 1 looks like. Courses may be subject to change and availability.
All of our programmes start with a common core of mathematics courses and informatics courses, with increasing options for specialisation in later years depending on your interests.
Example Timetable Transcript
- 09:00: Introduction to Computation – Informatics 1 (Lecture)
- 11:00: InfPALs (Peer-assisted Learning) session (optional)
- 14:00: Introduction to Linear Algebra – Mathematics 1 (Lecture)
- 16:00: Computer Workshop – Informatics 1 (optional)
- 11:00: Introduction to Computation – Informatics 1 (Lecture)
- 16:00: Computer Workshop – Informatics 1 (optional)
- 16:30: Introduction to Linear Algebra – Mathematics 1 (Workshop)
- 10:00: Introduction to Computation – Informatics 1 (Lecture)
- 13:00: InfPALs (Peer-assisted Learning) session (optional)
- 16:00: Computer Workshop – Informatics 1 (optional)
- 10:00: Introduction to Computation – Informatics 1 (Lecture)
- 12:00: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- 14:00: InfPALs (Peer-assisted Learning) session (optional)
- 16:00: Computer Workshop – Informatics 1 (optional)
- 09:00: Introduction to Computation – Informatics 1 (Lecture)
- 11:00: InfPALs (Peer-assisted Learning) session (optional)
- 12:00: Introduction to Linear Algebra – Mathematics 1 (Lecture)
- 14:00: Introduction to Computation – Informatics 1 (Tutorial)
- 16:00: Computer Workshop – Informatics 1 (optional)
You will also take optional courses in addition to those mentioned above.
For a detailed look at our courses, please consult the Informatics degree overview, Degree Regulations and Programme of Study (DRPS) or Path.
School of Informatics DRPS 2023/2024
Blog post originally written by Donald Jennings, Informatics Communications Intern 2022.
Video credit to Sraddheya Gurung, Informatics Communications Intern 2021.
Edited by Dimona Videnlieva, Informatics Communications Intern 2023.
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