Fair Winds and Following Seas: a celebration of the work of Leonard McDermid

ECA Library is delighted to present a new exhibition at ECA Library, Evolution House, West Port. Opening on 12th October, Fair Winds and Following Seas, is co-curated by Barbara A Morton of Entropie Books, and ECA Librarian Jane Furness.

Featuring a personal selection of Leonard McDermid’s own work from the Stichill Marigold Press, alongside the collected responses in appreciation of his art, as received from his friends:

Jane Hyslop
Graeme Hawley
Julie Johnstone
John Easson
Thomas A Clark
Catherine Marshall
W J Morton
Barbara A Morton
Susie Wilson
Imi Maufe
Gin Saunders

We are so pleased to host this wonderful celebration, and are thankful for the generosity of Len and Barbara, in making this exhibition possible. The show will continue through Semester 1 and closes on 30th November 2021.
Don’t forget to pick up your free packet of marigold seeds!
Public access to ECA Library: Please note that access to all University of Edinburgh libraries is currently restricted to University of Edinburgh Students, Staff and Official Visitors, and NHS Lothian Staff, Edinburgh Theological Seminary Staff & students (Free Church of Scotland College), Free Church of Scotland Ministers, retired ministers and staff, Church of Scotland Ministers, retired ministers & staff, Alumni, Friends of the Library and Life members of the Library. For members of the public not in any of those membership categories who wish to view the exhibition, please note, you do not need to book a time slot to visit, but you should announce yourself to ECA Reception on arrival inside Evolution House, and to ECA Library Helpdesk on arrival within the Library, you should give your name and phone number to Library Helpdesk staff for NHS Test and Protect purposes, and all visitors should wear a face covering (unless exempt). We regret that at this time, Access will be granted to the Library exhibition space only, and not to the rest of ECA Library.
Enjoyed Fair Winds and Following Seas? Then you might be interested in the CRC (Centre for Research Collections) online exhibition, Sea Change.

Forthcoming exhibition: Laurie Clark bookworks

We are delighted to announce that poet, illustrator and book artist Laurie Clark will be our special guest exhibitor later this summer! Laurie Clark is a well known book artist based in Scotland, and one half of the genius behind Moschatel Press, and the Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem, along with partner Thomas A. Clark, poet.
ECA Library holds several works by Laurie Clark, such as the exquisite 100 Harebells (2012), and 100 Buttercups (2010), artist’s books, and many works by Moschatel Press such as A Box of Landscapes, (2010, and 2016).
We look forward to welcoming Laurie to ECA Library, Evolution House, and will post images and information about the exhibition later in the summer.

Adoxa moschatellina

Reproduction of a painting of Adoxa moschatellina by the Swedish botanist C. A. M. Lindman (1856–1928), taken from his book Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
[Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.]

Exploring comics collections online

A new exhibition at the British Library, Comics Unmasked, is the UK’s largest ever exhibition of mainstream and underground comics. Featuring such iconic names as Neil Gaiman (Sandman), Alan Moore (Watchmen, V for Vendetta), Grant Morrison (Batman: Arkham Asylum) and Posy Simmonds (Tamara Drewe), this exhibition traces the British comics tradition back through classic 1970s titles including 2000AD, Action and Misty to 19th-century illustrated reports of Jack the Ripper and beyond. The exhibition is open at the British Library, London, from 2nd May to 19th August 2014.
You can see another review of the exhibition here.
By happy coincidence ECA will soon be subscribing to the excellent Alexander Street Press Underground Comics Volumes 1 and 2 database. As soon as full access to these is arranged, this post will be updated.
You will be able to access the database via: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/library-museum-gallery/finding-resources/library-databases/databases-subject-a-z/database-design
We already have online access to the British Cartoon Archive from the University of Kent.
You can also access Comic Book Plus, a free online resource at http://comicbookplus.com. We found Comic Book Plus on http://openglam.org/open-collections/ which gives free access to the online collections of galleries, libraries, archives and museums, and is worth exploring!