New resource alert!

We now have access to the complete digitised archive of Rolling Stone magazine, through our ProQuest 350 subscription.
From the first issue in 1967 to the present day, The Rolling Stone magazine has served as a critical source of news, entertainment and cultural information. For generations, students and young adults have turned to this iconic publication for fashion, society, music news, criticism and more. This digital archive will allow scholars to find articles, images and adverts that support their research. The collection provides coverage of cultural and countercultural movements from the 1960’s forward, highlighting key figures and events such as Woodstock, or the Iraq War. It allows for cross-disciplinary teaching and research in music, popular culture, arts, entertainment, politics, and 20th century history.
You can find the Rolling Stone digital archive on our library catalogue DiscoverEd. It is also listed in our databases A-Z and on the ‘databases by subject’ webpage for Music databases .

Improve your library search skills with our LibSmart series 1 and 2!

The Academic Support Librarian team and colleagues across the Library services have produced a series of modules which students can work through at their own pace, via our VLE (virtual learning environment), Learn. LibSmart 1 launched last September and helped many new students learn how to navigate to, and make the most of, the library resources available to them.
Now for 2021/22 we have launched LibSmart 2, which features new modules on specific subjects, such as ‘Finding and using digital images’, ‘Digital primary sources and digital scholarship’, and ‘Special Collections fundamentals’.
You can access more information about the LibSmart 1 and 2 modules here:
Have a question about the library services or collections? Contact your academic support librarian.

"What can I access once I have left ECA?"

As a graduate of ECA and the UoE, you will still be able to access various services and resources of the ECA and UoE libraries. For example, you will have access to databases such as Jstor, and you can register as an Alumni library user.
For more information, see
We wish you all the best for your future!