Our new display at ECA Library features Voyage boxed: sea journeys, island hopping & trans-oceanic concepts, curated by Imi Maufe and Rona Rangsch, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, c.2014.
This beautiful Artists’ Book consists of a collection of art works and an exhibition catalogue issued in a square box. The collection of artworks consist primarily of printed material on paper, a combination of single sheets and booklets, one wooden board printed in colour with string with a small sheet folded concertina style attached, plus a compact disc of ocean wave sounds. The artworks are either 15 x 15 cm, or folded to approximately the same size. Leaves of clear wax paper are interspersed between each work. The artworks are variously photographs, collages, drawings and poetry.
The box also includes one crumpled corner of a map of Shetland (20 x 20 cm), crumpled tissue paper, an unbleached fabric ribbon and a small ceramic egg, in a cloth bag with drawstring.
The 20 artists collaborating in this work included Nancy Campbell, David Faithfull, Christine Morrison and Ian Stephen.
Accompanying CD: Sea of curves, by Jeff Talman, with researchers Matt Fowler and James Traer.
Published in a signed and numbered edition of 50 copies.
ECA Library’s copy is number 42.
Extra study space in the central area during April and May
Looking for study space in the University central area for revision? The Main Library, George Square, will be busy but there are alternative spaces available.
At the Main Library the Lower Ground Floor, Ground Floor and Floor 1 are open 24/7: in addition, Floors 2, 3, 4 and 5 will also remain open 24/7 from 07:30 on Saturday 22 April to 23:59 on Sunday 14 May.
The four teaching rooms on Floor 1 of the Main Library can be used (79 seats) from Saturday 8 April to Sunday 21 May, as well as the Centre for Research Collections Research Suite on Floor 6 (12 seats) from Monday 17 April to Wednesday 17 May.
Look out for the library helpers in purple t-shirts who can assist you in finding a space.
As an alternative to the Main Library, why not try the 200 additional study spaces which are available from Monday 17 April to Friday 19 May in the David Hume Tower (DHT) Hub (rooms LG06-LG11).
Or use other libraries and open open access computing spaces.
The Law Library and David Hume Tower Ground Floor computer lab are open longer on 5 Sundays: 23, 30 April; 7, 14, 21 May 12:00-19:00.
Please also take a look at the interactive study spaces map at: http://www.ed.ac.uk/is/study-space
Visualising Urban Geographies
New dynamic maps of Edinburgh are now online through the National Library of Scotland’s collaborative Visualising Urban Geographies project with Edinburgh University. Included are 16 geo-referenced historical maps of Edinburgh from 1765-1940. They can all be compared together in Google Maps with present-day maps and satellite images. NLS have also created a 3-D representation of Edinburgh’s growth from 1450 to 1900 in Google Earth.
British geology maps now free to explore online
The British Geological Survey’s (BGS) new OpenGeoscience portal allows the public to study all the UK’s rocks on a simple Google map, down to a scale of 1:50,000. Toggling the map shows overlying towns and streets.
A range of educational and professional tools are also brought together on the website, including the huge national geological archive of photographs.
Tens of thousands of images have been amassed into the BGS library, showing different rock forms around Britain, fossil types, and the impact on the landscape of natural events such as flooding.
The whole archive is now searchable and free to use for non-commercial purposes.
The news is reported on the BBC website.