Improve your library search skills with LinkedIn Learning!

Did you know that you can take an online course to improve your library search skills, using LinkedIn Learning? Just go to your account on MyEd, then:
Students should choose Studies > Study Tools > Build your skills > LinkedIn Learning.
Staff members should choose Services > Staff Development > LinkedIn Learning.
Once you have logged into LinkedIn Learning, search for the “Information Literacy” course, and work through it at your own pace.

For more information about LinkedIn Learning, go to

Support for revising from home

The University has a wide range of guidance and support for students revising for exams from home.
The IAD provides an online Exam Bootcamp on Learn, which includes revision advice. See

You can also find lots of great online guidance and training on the IAD Study Hub at

You might also find the myriad online resources available on LinkedIn Learning to be very useful when you are revising from home: go to

Working online using digital library resources

All students are encouraged to access our many digital library resources to help continue their studies remotely.
You can access the library journal article databases for your subject here:
You can access your subject guides here:
You can make full use of LinkedIn Learning resources here:
The Library catalogue DiscoverEd includes thousands of ebooks and full text e-journal articles. Go to
Ensure you can access all these resources remotely from home by registering with the VPN (virtual private network), see

RIPM Jazz Periodicals online archive trial goes live!

We are delighted to announce that our trial access to RIPM Jazz Periodicals online archive is now active.
RIPM Jazz is a fully searchable rich and extensive collection of American Jazz Periodicals, a key primary source reference and research tool for all libraries. It benefits from RIPM’s partnership with the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University, which holds one of the most extensive collections of jazz periodicals in the world.
To access the trial go to