RSA Open: ECA Library Prize winner announced

Cecile Simonis awarded the ECA Library Prize at this year’s RSA Open Exhibition.
We are happy to announce that the Royal Scottish Academy judging panel has chosen artist and printmaker Cecile Simonis, as the recipient of the 2016 ECA Library Prize, for her work “Drones”. Cecile has won a year’s free borrowing membership at ECA Library. Cecile studied in Belgium and Italy, and is now resident in Edinburgh. She teaches drawing and printmaking and has strong connections with Edinburgh Printmakers Workshop. More information about her work can be seen at
We look forward to welcoming Cecile to ECA Library.
‘Drones’, by Cecile Simonis, with permission of the artist.

Partial View: display by artist in residence Susie Wilson

This Spring, our 2016 artist in residence Susie Wilson made a selection of artists’ books from the ECA Library collection, for her display “Partial View”, which was held at ECA Library, Evolution House, during Semester 2.

Says Susie, of her selection of artists’ books:
“There is no definitive description of an artist book as by its very nature it is an elusive art form. The ECA Library’s collection reflects this. Artists’ books invite participation and the interplay between the viewer and the book creates an intimacy that isn’t found in other art forms. For me, an artist book should be a dialogue between form and content, each enhancing the other.”
The display completed the first part of Susie’s residency, following several very successful and well-attended workshops, such as this one where students were shown how to make their own books:
Susie and her workshop group, making book forms.
We would like to thank Susie for her hard work and commitment to her residency, for sharing her skills with our students, and for creating a beautiful display!
The next part of the residency will be when Susie delivers a new artist’s book that she has made in response to her research at ECA Library, in summer 2016.

The sketchbook as journal

Danny Gregory An Illustrated LifeECA library has recently acquired a fantastic new book about artists’ sketchbooks:
An illustrated life : drawing inspiration from the private sketchbooks of artists, illustrators and designers, by Danny Gregory.
As Danny Gregory describes on his blog “this book led me to fulfill my dream of gathering the work of all the artists I admire most, people like Robert Crumb and Chris Ware and James Jean and many others, and then sitting down for a chat about my favorite subject, recording one’s life with drawings in a book. It was an amazing experience and I like to think the book reflects it.”
The library has several other similar books on the theme of sketchbooks as journals:
Drawing from Life: The Journal as Art, by Jennifer New.
Sketchbooks: The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators & Creatives, by Richard Brereton.
Inspiring Writing in Art and Design: Taking a Line for a Write, by Pat Francis.
We hope these will inspire you!