RIPM Jazz Periodicals online archive trial goes live!

We are delighted to announce that our trial access to RIPM Jazz Periodicals online archive is now active.
RIPM Jazz is a fully searchable rich and extensive collection of American Jazz Periodicals, a key primary source reference and research tool for all libraries. It benefits from RIPM’s partnership with the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University, which holds one of the most extensive collections of jazz periodicals in the world.
To access the trial go to

Digital resource trials for ECA students

ECA Library has organised a couple of digital resource trials which are open to all ECA and UoE students and staff.
Our current trials are for:
1: Yale A&A E-Portal. This gives access to Yale press ebooks and a very smart image search function, and will be of most use to History of Art students and also architectural history and design students.
2: Bloomsbury Architecture Library. This gives access to a wealth of architecture ebooks, and the complete digital Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture.
To access both of these trials and several others, go to
In a few days’ time our trial access to RIPM Jazz Periodicals online database should also go live and will be accessible from the above link.

Festive season opening and closing hours at ECA libraries

Please note the following arrangements for opening and closing of the ECA Libraries at the end of Semester 1, 2023:

ECA Library at Evolution House, West Port: The ECA Library will be open until 5.00pm on Thursday 21st December. The Library will re-open at 9.00am on Wednesday 3rd January 2024. For more information check here.   The ECA Library telephone number is 0131 651 5700.

Art & Architecture Library at Minto House, Chambers Street:
The A&A Library will be open until 5.00pm on Thursday 21st December. The Library will re-open at 9.00am on Wednesday 3rd January 2024. For more information please check here.

Main Library, George Square:
The Main Library at George Square will have some limited opening hours during the vacation, apart from on 25th, 26th December and 1st-2nd January, when it will be closed. For more information please check here.

Happy holidays!

Making the Most of Your Dissertation

The academic support librarian team have created a new subject guide called Making the Most of Your Dissertation, you can find it here:
This is one of the many subject guides created to help you with your studies.
You can also watch a helpful video here.
Our dissertation subject guide ties in with a whole week of activities launching for the first time this month: Make the Most of Your Dissertation Week 2019, from 11 – 15 November, which is packed full of activities and opportunities for students to engage with the library collections and resources and get lots of inspiring ideas for resources and collections that can be used for your dissertation.
For more information about Make the Most of Your Dissertation Week 2019, look out for #DissertationWeek or go to


Berg Fashion Library

Have you heard about Berg Fashion Library? We subscribe to this fantastic e-resource from Bloomsbury Publishing. It has been described as “the authority on world dress”, and is an extensive online portal which offers fully cross-searchable access to a large and growing range of Berg content collections, including the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress & Fashion online, plus hundreds of e-books, reference works, and thousands of images.
New e-book titles get added regularly. The latest additions include: Costuming cosplay: dressing the imagination by Therèsa M. Winge, Fashion, agency, and empowerment: performing agency, following script, edited by Annette Lynch and Katalin Medvedev, The fashion forecasters : a hidden history of color and trend prediction, edited by Regina Lee Blaszczyk and Ben Wubs, Menswear revolution : the transformation of contemporary men’s fashion by Jay McCauley Bowstead, and Sustainability and the social fabric : Europe’s new textile industries by Clio Padovani and Paul Whittaker.
You can access Berg Fashion Library via the Art & Design Databases webpage.


Update your digital skills

The Digital Skills team provide training and guidance on developing your digital and information literacy, desktop and IT productivity skills, to help you work, research and study more effectively, and to support continuing professional development.

Find out more here: