Monday 26th October 2016:
This week we have Professor Barry Bergdoll visiting ECA ESALA as Simpson Visiting Professor.
We are delighted to welcome Professor Bergdoll to ECA and to mark the occasion we have some of his books on special display in the Art & Architecture Library at Minto House, Chambers Street.
The following books can be found in our collections at ECA Library, the Art & Architecture Library or at the Main Library, George Square. Check DiscoverEd for details.
Latin America in construction: architecture 1955-1980, Museum of Modern Art, 2015
Henri Labrouste: structure brought to light, Museum of Modern Art, 2012
Rising currents: projects for New York’s waterfront, Thames & Hudson, 2011
Bauhaus 1919-1933: workshops for modernity, Museum of Modern Art, 2009
Home delivery: fabricating the modern dwelling, Museum of Modern Art, 2008
European Architecture 1750-1890, Oxford University Press, 2000
Mies in Berlin, Museum of Modern Art, 2001
Karl Friedrich Schinkel: an architecture for Prussia, Rizzoli, 1994
Leon Vaudoyer: historicism in the age of industry, Architectural History Foundation & MIT Press, 1994