Author: CYS
Reading Time: 3 minutes From her insider perspective as a member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Professor Ann Skelton gave an overview of the options, from the research and evidence of Global Studies, to the authoritative interpretations of General Comments , to engaging children and young people, civic society and others in General Days of Discussion .
Reading Time: 2 minutes In a unique collaboration between the Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law and the Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures (IICF), the question of ‘how do we implement children’s rights?’ is being brought to the foreground in this week-long continuing professional development (CPD) course.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Once, many years ago, I was told by a colleague that my privilege puts me at an advantage over others. I was offended by this statement; I genuinely assumed that I did not hold any special privilege and everything I had in life had been earned.
Reading Time: 4 minutes The Observatory of Children’s Human Rights Scotland is pleased to launch a ground-breaking new project to develop a Theory of Change for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in Scotland.
Reading Time: 4 minutes When – if ever – is it ethical to share images of children online for research purposes? We have found this a challenging question to answer.
Reading Time: 3 minutes The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill (UNCRC Bill) passed through Scottish Parliament by a unanimous vote on 16 March 2021. The highly anticipated legislation represented the culmination of a long-running campaign by children’s rights advocates to legalize the full schedule of children’s rights outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
Reading Time: 3 minutes Children and young people have the right to be involved in decisions that affect them. This is a basic human right, underlined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). It is thus morally the right thing to do. But, further, we also have ever increasing evidence that it leads to better decision-making and better outcomes for children and young people, whether that is in family law when contact between parents and children are contested or in designing policy on domestic abuse.
Reading Time: 2 minutes In all corners of the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected young people’s education, employment, mental health and disposable income, particularly for those young people previously disadvantaged by complex inequalities and marginalisation. In low- and middle-income countries like Colombia, the population has experienced the pandemic’s impacts even more strongly and the crisis has aggravated existing socio-economic inequalities.
Reading Time: 3 minutes In Brazil the project exists in two communities, our main community Rocinha in the city of Rio de Janeiro and Jardim Catarina which is a comparison community in the city of São Gonçalo both in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Both of them suffer from severe poverty.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Since February 2021, when I first began my PhD journey, I have soaked up every seminar, training session and online tutorial that will help equip me for the next six years ahead. Generally these arenas provide guidance and tips, but the fourth seminar series from the CYSRG stood out by encouraging me to reflect and examine what part ‘Emotional Resilience’ will play in my career as a PhD researcher.
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