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Childhood and Youth Studies

Childhood and Youth Studies

Contributing to realising children and young people’s human rights through research, teaching, policy and practice in childhood and youth studies

Category: Uncategorised

Three children sitting together on grass

Reading Time: 7 minutes Incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law represented a pivotal moment in Scotland’s efforts to become a nation where children’s human rights are taken seriously and where there is accountability for them.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Recent years have seen an increase in the popularity of various forms of nature-based learning (which refers broadly to engagement with nature for the purpose of play, learning, and development), including forest school.

Featured image of the blog - What are play cafes?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Where do young children play in public life?  Are these social and play spaces designed with young children and their communities in mind? What would an ideal social and play space look and feel like from young children’s and their communities’ perspectives? What would an ‘inclusive’/ equitable social and play space look and feel like?

Image of The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018: achieving its aspirations?

Reading Time: 5 minutes   This blog was written by Dr Fiona Morrison, Dr Claire Houghton, and Dr Camille Warrington, University of Edinburgh.   The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 was a major piece of legislation that intended to improve the Scottish criminal justice response to domestic abuse.  In this blog, we share findings from the Domestic Abuse Court […]

Image for Shaping a More Resilient, Better and Stronger Recovery with Local Voices at the Core

Reading Time: 3 minutes … sport has played an important role in all societies and acted as a strong communication platform that can be used to promote a culture of peace. It is, and will continue to be, one of the most cost-effective and versatile tools to promote United Nations values and achieve the SDGs. (United Nations n.d)

Featured image of obesity_Ending children's stigma

Reading Time: 3 minutes Author: Cecilia Prieto, PhD researcher in Population Health Sciences Every 4th of March we commemorate the international World Obesity Day. The prevalence of being overweight and obesity in children has become a serious public health problem in countries worldwide (World Health Organisation [WHO], 2018). Even though obesity has many causes (e.g., individual, environmental, among others), […]

A group of young women take part in a (pre-pandemic) arts- and music-based workshop in Quibdó.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Author: Dr. Marlies Kustatscher, University of Edinburgh While digital methods have been around for some time, the COVID-19 pandemic has required projects around the world to move to the digital sphere and adapt their approaches accordingly. In our new ¿Cuál es la verdad? project briefing, we reflect on our learning in relation to engaging digitally […]

Feature photo of Children and young people’s voices in times of COVID-19!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Author: Dr. Carine Le Borgne, Senior Policy Adviser and It Takes a World Lead, World Vision UK Children and young people are active, competent social actors who can make decisions and influence their environments. For World Vision, it is vital to include children and young people in issues which affect them such as COVID-19. World […]

Image of the blog COVID-19

Reading Time: 3 minutes Author: Dr Patricio Cuevas-Parra In my professional experience in international development, I have observed that in large humanitarian disasters, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2006 war in Lebanon, the Haiti earthquake in 2010, and the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leona in 2014, children and young people’s participation rights have often been breached. […]

Reading Time: 4 minutes Author: Dr Alan Mackie It is a truism now that young people’s lives are deeply connected and interconnected with and by the digital sphere. Connectivity via mobile phones, laptops, tablets and computers is almost ubiquitous. The ongoing pandemic has brought into sharp focus the inequalities – not only in young people’s access to information and […]


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