Tag: Curriculum Toolkit – Employer and alumni engagement

A real leveller: Improving a year-long, team-based project for undergraduates and professional industry mentors during lockdown

Lockdown Learning: A new course for OPTIMA PhD students locked out the lab

Editing Wikipedia: Stars, Robots and Talismans Honours Course

In the move to hybrid teaching, look for opportunities for student development

Mini-series: Performance Psychology Mentoring: Bridging the gap from university to professional world

Bridging the seminar room and the world of public policy: Six practical tips for organising work placements

Working with alumnae teachers to prepare student teachers for professional practice

Sponsored dissertations: Connecting undergraduates with companies to research problems that matter

Insights Programme: Connecting with Alumni to support Widening Participation students' career trajectories

Insights Programme: Connecting with Alumni to support Widening Participation students’ career trajectories