Click on the links below to access recordings from previous seminars

31st October – Amy Chandler – Making sense of self-harm in general practice

18th May – Anne Whitehead – Promiscuous care: relating suicide in Orlando von Einsidel’s Evelyn

13th February – Alexandre Baril  ‘Rethinking (Assisted) Suicide through Suicidism: A Trans, Queer, Crip Approach’

15th December 2022 – Umit Cetin ‘Migration, anomic disaffection, and suicide among the British Alevi Community’

23rd November 2022 – Zoreh BayatRizi ‘Knowledge Production on Suicide: Between Social and Psychological Pathologies’

25th October 2022 – China Mills ‘Weaponising time in the war on welfare: slow violence and welfare-related deaths’

16th June 2022: Lyndsay Galpin ‘Narratives of Male Suicide and Masculinity in 19th-Century Britain’

19th May 2022: Sara Hassani ‘Conceptualizing the affective language of self-immolation as political protest’

5th May 2022: Saartje Tack ‘Destabilising the positionality of the living in approaches to suicide’ 

28th April 2022: Anisur Rahman Kahn ‘The social and cultural context of male suicide in Bangladesh

24th February 2022: Hazel Marzetti ‘Once I step over the threshold…’ making sense of LGBT+ youth suicide

21st January 2022: Fiona Malpass and Jennifer White ‘Critical Suicide Studies statement of ethics’

17th November 2021: Anna Mueller, Seth Abrutyn and Sarah Diefendorf: Building Effective Mental Health Safety Nets in Schools: an Organizational Theory of Youth Suicide Clusters’

16th September: Chris Dowrick “Not choose not to be: the ‘terrible sonnets of Gerard Manley Hopkins”

August 19th 2021: Kelly Stewart “Challenging our well-rehearsed stories of suicide bereavement”