Author: s2358885
6/12/23 – Final Blog Post This is my final blog post as my design project is complete and I have completed my AutoCAD and Sketch-Up learning. I completed my Sketch-Up model to show my Interior Design 2A exhibition design ideas as well as the exterior of the model to represent the Blackness Castle Officers […]
27/11/2023 This week my main focus was on the development of my model in sketch-up to reflect my design ideas for my temporary and permanent exhibition project. My shell for my model was complete so all I need to add was the roof. I did this by using the line tool over the side […]
18/11/23 – Sketch-Up 4 Continuing on from the previous workshop I’ve been developing my 3d model on sketch-up was much as possible. After having completed the windows and outside doors I’ve since been putting in the interior doors and details. As well as the stairs. To create the stairs I first created a step […]
13/11/23 – Week 3 Sketch-up From the first week of using sketch-up I had made significant progress and was getting used to the software a lot more. From the second sketch-up workshop to the third I had made a lot of progress in the construction of my outer shell of the Officers Quarters at […]
6/11/23 – Sketch-Up Workshop 2 I was now a lot more comfortable using the sketch- up software but still finding it challenging. I had started developing my floor plans of the officers quarters into sketch-up using the push and pull tools to create a shell outer wall for the building. I had struggled to […]
30/10/23 – Sketch-Up Workshop 1 This was the first workshop/lesson on sketch-up and it was the first time I had ever used the software. I was completely new to it, the same as I was to Auto CAD. The software did not look too dissimilar but the look of the tools and functions were […]
9/10/23 – Viewpoints and Layouts In the fourth CAD workshop I had made significant progress in terms of getting used to CAD and all its functions and I felt a lot more comfortable using it than the weeks before. In this week I learnt how to use the hatching tool which is very useful for […]
2/09/23 – Third CAD Workshop This was the third workshop using CAD and I learned many new things such as the block tool and how to create them and use them. I used my interior elements drawings to create different blocks. I first created a block of a simple door and then went into the […]
25/09/23 This was my second CAD workshop so far and even though I was still getting used to drawing using a computer I felt a lot more comfortable in this workshop than the first one where I had never used it before. In the second workshop we learnt many other tools such as the array […]
18/09/23 – First Cad workshop This was my first time using CAD and I had no previous knowledge of any of the tools and functions before. First exercises included learning the functions of CAD and the tools such as the line tool. We started by adding the line (0,0) on the axis and creating a […]