As we embark on a new year, let’s reflect on the remarkable achievements and exciting developments that shaped our community in 2023.
Continue reading “School Highlights 2023”
School of Physics and Astronomy
The physics experience
As we embark on a new year, let’s reflect on the remarkable achievements and exciting developments that shaped our community in 2023.
Continue reading “School Highlights 2023”
By Catriona Roy
Happy New Year from the School of Physics and Astronomy! It was great to welcome back the buzz of activity on campus as we returned to in-person learning last semester. As 2023 begins, let’s remember some of the highlights from 2022. Continue reading “Physics Highlights 2022”
The School’s Publicity and Recruitment Officer, Caroline Keir reflects on the easing of lockdown.
We are on release from lockdown! I should be happy, but I have to say, I’m not sure I like this freedom very much. None of the places I want to visit are open, my summer holiday plans look bleak and dining options are lousy.
Lockdown certainly has had its ups and downs.
Continue reading “Lockdown release!”