Goodbye and Thank You to our OER Service Interns
At the end of this month we’re saying goodbye to all four of our fabulous OER Service interns Mayu Ishimoto, Eden Swimer, Paula Gomez Valiente and Ayaan Ahmed, so we’d like to say a huge THANK YOU for all the work they’ve done over the last year.
Mayu started out as one of our Open Content Curation interns last summer but stayed on with us as OER Service intern. Mayu has undertaken a wide range of activities including creating open educational resources, keeping the Open.Ed website up to date, and creating an open textbook, Birds of Midlothian. She also came along to the OER24 Conference in Cork where she spoke about her experiences of working as an intern. To cap her internship, Mayu has published seven new open educational resources for schools on TES Resources this week, including a five-part interdisciplinary resources on Investigating Edinburgh’s Geological Past and one on Weather, Climate and Global Warming.

Mayu presenting at OER24 in Cork. CC BY 4.0, Lorna M. Campbell.
Eden, Their Finest Hour project intern, did an amazing job of organising and running a Digital Collection Day at the University last November to record stories and family history from the Second World War. Over one hundred members of the public came along to the event, we recorded 55 stories and took over a thousand photographs. Eden uploaded all of these to Their Finest Hour Archive at the University of Oxford where they have been shared under Creative Commons licence. As if that wasn’t enough, Eden has also created an OER for schools on Recording Everyday Social History, which we’ve shared on TES Resources. You can read Eden’s reflection on his internship here Reflections on Their Finest Hour.

Eden at the Digital Collection Day with volunteers Fiona and Paul. CC BY 4.0, Fiona Hendrie.
Ayaan, our Playful Engagement intern, has been undertaking research, through questionnaires and focus groups, to find out about attitudes, opportunities and barriers to playful engagement across ISG services. This valuable research will be used to inform the next iteration of the ISG Playful Engagement strategy. You can read about Ayaan’s work on the ISG Playful Engagement Blog.
Paula helped to launch our new 23 Things for Digital Knowledge course designed to introduce new students to the digital tools, services, software, support, and knowledge available to them at the University. She’s also been developing lots of great social media content, including a new Instagram channel and videos that we’ll be using to promote the course to students at the start of Semester 1.
View this post on Instagram
It’s been a real pleasure and a privilege to work with all our interns, who have each contributed so much to the OER Service, EDE and ISG more widely. We wish them every success in the future!
Header image: Thank You by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay.