Art Forum Archive now available!

Thanks to our ProQuest subscription we now have access to the full digital archive of every issue of Art Forum back to issue 1 of 1962!
You can access the backfile of Artforum (later Artforum International), the leading magazine for coverage of international contemporary art, from its launch in 1962 to 2020, via DiscoverEd. Spanning six decades of reporting on art in all media, Artforum offers features, reviews, and interviews relating to artists, exhibitions, publications, and other art world events / trends.
Coverage: 1962 – 2020.

You can access this via DiscoverEd by searching for the journal title “Art Forum” then following the link to the online resource:

New content added to Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive

The latest update to the Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive (EIMA) includes new Melody Maker content.
More than 300,000 pages have been added to EIMA in the most recent data update. Further content for thirteen periodicals, including three brand new titles, is now available to search and browse.
Highlights include:

  • Launched in 1926, Melody Maker was the world’s first weekly music newspaper and was widely regarded as “the musician’s journal”. It appealed to a more mature audience than its long-time British rival NME (New Musical Express, also available) and devoted more coverage to “minority” interests such as jazz and folk and prided itself on a consistently serious and balanced critique of populist movements such as grunge, indie and dance. Over 1,400 issues are now available, representing more than 30 years of content, from 1968 right up to the magazine’s final issue in 2000.
  • Following up on the addition of The Billboard last year, there is now even more content from this essential publication for the study of the theatre and early cinema. Over 800 issues have been added, providing unbroken coverage of the years 1963-1969 and 1976-1986 as well as filling gaps throughout the publication’s entire run.
    Nearly 1,000 further issues of Variety are included in this update. In addition to filling gaps in the existing range, these issues contribute to offering complete coverage for the 1940s.

To access the ProQuest Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive, go to: