Forthcoming exhibition: Laurie Clark bookworks

We are delighted to announce that poet, illustrator and book artist Laurie Clark will be our special guest exhibitor later this summer! Laurie Clark is a well known book artist based in Scotland, and one half of the genius behind Moschatel Press, and the Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem, along with partner Thomas A. Clark, poet.
ECA Library holds several works by Laurie Clark, such as the exquisite 100 Harebells (2012), and 100 Buttercups (2010), artist’s books, and many works by Moschatel Press such as A Box of Landscapes, (2010, and 2016).
We look forward to welcoming Laurie to ECA Library, Evolution House, and will post images and information about the exhibition later in the summer.

Adoxa moschatellina

Reproduction of a painting of Adoxa moschatellina by the Swedish botanist C. A. M. Lindman (1856–1928), taken from his book Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
[Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.]

The Grey People curate book display for ECA Library

A display of artists’ books from the ECA Library collection was curated by The Grey People and was on show at ECA Library, Evolution House from 13th March to 4th April 2017.
The books chosen were examples which the three students found particularly interesting in their cross-disciplinary approach: whether due to the aesthetic experience they provide, their content and context, or their position on the border of book-making.
“We are The Grey People, a collective and platform for interdisciplinary and collaborative practice at ECA. Our aim is to encourage and celebrate work that falls between and transcends disciplines.
Over the course of the Festival of Creative learning we, as a collective, were given the opportunity to curate a selection of books from the Edinburgh College of Art Library artists’ books collection, as part of a micro-residency, running parallel to an exhibition we are putting on at the end of March. To get the chance to get an in-depth insight into the range of books archived here has been a wonderful experience, and has helped us consider many questions regarding the inevitably vague – and grey – area of the Interdisciplinary.”
The display complemented the BookMarks Bookfair at the ECA Sculpture Court on 29th March.

Artists' books micro-residency at ECA Library

The Grey People undertook their residency in ECA Library from 20th – 24th February, exploring the artists’ books collection,  and making a selection of books to feature as part of the BookMarks Bookfair on 29th March 2017, and in a display in ECA Library which opens on 14th March.
A total of 25 books have been selected as fitting with their cross-disciplinary theme.
More news about the project soon!

A book 5 storeys high…

For the month of November, 2016, Artist in Residence Susie Wilson exhibited her new artwork, “Bookwork in 69 parts”, which completed her 2016 research residency in ECA Library.
“Bookwork in 69 parts” was hung in the stairwell of Evolution House, and was accompanied by a display of Susie’s new bookworks, inside the Library. The fragile 5 storey-tall drawing in 69 sections reached from level 5 all the way down to level 0, and gave visitors to the building pause for thought.
We would like to thank Susie for all her work during her research residency and congratulate her on this beautiful new piece of work created for the ECA Library artists’ books collection.
Bookwork in 69 parts, by Susie Wilson, 2016

Partial View: display by artist in residence Susie Wilson

This Spring, our 2016 artist in residence Susie Wilson made a selection of artists’ books from the ECA Library collection, for her display “Partial View”, which was held at ECA Library, Evolution House, during Semester 2.

Says Susie, of her selection of artists’ books:
“There is no definitive description of an artist book as by its very nature it is an elusive art form. The ECA Library’s collection reflects this. Artists’ books invite participation and the interplay between the viewer and the book creates an intimacy that isn’t found in other art forms. For me, an artist book should be a dialogue between form and content, each enhancing the other.”
The display completed the first part of Susie’s residency, following several very successful and well-attended workshops, such as this one where students were shown how to make their own books:
Susie and her workshop group, making book forms.
We would like to thank Susie for her hard work and commitment to her residency, for sharing her skills with our students, and for creating a beautiful display!
The next part of the residency will be when Susie delivers a new artist’s book that she has made in response to her research at ECA Library, in summer 2016.

Antonio Freiles book display at ECA library

In April 2016 we were pleased to have a guest display of books by Antonio Freiles, at ECA Library, in Evolution House.
The display was curated by book artist and print maker Jane Hyslop.

Antonio Freiles is an artist who lives and works in Messina, Italy, and his work has been exhibited widely across Europe.
He works with artists’ books and in particular with handmade paper. Through this medium he explores the concept of painting-substance, the indistinct place where any difference between colour and support, between the composition and time of realization, between structure and space, is lost.
Freiles gives these sheets of hand-made paper the role of ‘pages’. Through these he aims for a kind of ‘total experience’, both for himself in that he is artist, editor, page designer, graphic artist, printer and inventor, and for the viewer who discovers the work visually and through tactile experience.
Freiles is deeply involved with Spazio Libro d’Artista, Catania, which houses an important collection of artists’ books.
Artist’s book by Antonio Freiles, with permission of the artist.

Forthcoming display to be curated by artist in residence

A selection of artists’ books, photograph by Jane Furness.
ECA Library welcomed book artist Susie Wilson to the Library on 1st February and Susie has been busy exploring the extensive artists’ book collection held at the Library as part of her research residency, which continues to mid-March.
With over 1500 artists’ books to explore, from Ed Ruscha to Katie Paterson, we are excited to see which books Susie will choose for her forthcoming display in the Library, and we wonder what themes she will discover and explore.
The display is due to open Week Beginning 21st March.

Professor Barry Bergdoll visits ECA ESALA as Simpson Visiting Professor

Monday 26th October 2016:
This week we have Professor Barry Bergdoll visiting ECA ESALA as Simpson Visiting Professor.
We are delighted to welcome Professor Bergdoll to ECA and to mark the occasion we have some of his books on special display in the Art & Architecture Library at Minto House, Chambers Street.
The following books can be found in our collections at ECA Library, the Art & Architecture Library or at the Main Library, George Square. Check DiscoverEd for details.
Latin America in construction: architecture 1955-1980, Museum of Modern Art, 2015
Henri Labrouste: structure brought to light, Museum of Modern Art, 2012
Rising currents: projects for New York’s waterfront, Thames & Hudson, 2011
Bauhaus 1919-1933: workshops for modernity, Museum of Modern Art, 2009
Home delivery: fabricating the modern dwelling, Museum of Modern Art, 2008
European Architecture 1750-1890, Oxford University Press, 2000
Mies in Berlin, Museum of Modern Art, 2001
Karl Friedrich Schinkel: an architecture for Prussia, Rizzoli, 1994
Leon Vaudoyer: historicism in the age of industry, Architectural History Foundation & MIT Press, 1994

Residency begins at ECA Library for artist Holly Prentice

Monday 2nd February 2015:
We are delighted to welcome Holly Prentice to ECA Library today. Holly has already begun to explore our 2000 artists’ books and will be producing an exhibition, several workshops and a new book-work, as part of her month-long research residency.
One of the workshops will be a free and open to all drop in session at ECA Evolution House, room 2.15, during Innovative Learning Week, more details here soon…