
We are delighted to announce the opening of our new display in ECA Library, curated by Laurie Clark and Thomas A. Clark. The display features issues of the 1960s visual poetry magazine “Poor.Old.Tired.Horse.” by Ian Hamilton Finlay, alongside works by Finlay from the Clark’s own collection.
We are really pleased to have been able to host this latest in a series of displays curated by the Clarks.
You can find out more about their work at pagesandwalls.com
You can see more of Poor.Old.Tired.Horse. at Ubuweb.

Finding artists' books at ECA Library

It is now even easier to find out which artists’ books are kept at ECA Library! Simply use this link to go to a complete list of all the artists’ books in the collection, on DiscoverEd, the library catalogue. You can sort the list by artist or year, and browse to your heart’s content!
There is more information about constructing searches here.
The Library has around 1500 artists’ books dating from 1964 to the present day, including artists such as Ed Ruscha, Lawrence Weiner, Hans Waanders, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Helen Douglas, Susie Leiper, Thomas A Clark and Laurie Clark, and Redfoxpress.
For more information about artists’ books in Scotland visit the directory compiled by the Scottish Visual Arts Group.

A selection of artists’ books, photograph by Jane Furness.


Free artists' bookmarks at ECA Library!

Bookmarks XV 2017 – 2018:
Bookmarks XV is the fifteenth and final outing of the Bookmarks series from University of West of England, Bristol, UK. Part I of the free artwork distribution series launched in 2004 and has since visited 159 galleries, bookstores, workshops, centres, schools, museums and libraries in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and USA, including ECA!
The series grew out of an aim to encourage appreciation and awareness of artists working in the book format. Participating artists each produced an edition of 100 signed and numbered bookmarks which were divided into 100 sets; one full set being sent to each of the contributing artists and the rest divided and sent out in distribution boxes to host venues around the world, such as libraries, for visitors to discover.
Since 2004, 598 artists have contributed 59,800 bookmarks to the project. Each bookmark is stamped with the current project’s website address, which directs the taker of the bookmark to the gallery section of the website. Visitors can view works by the artists and contact contributors via their website and email links on the site. As interest in artists’ books practice has grown internationally over the years, the bookmarks projects have now reached a natural conclusion.
Bookmarks XV will visit ten venues from September 2017 – February 2018 in Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, the UK and USA. The final set has 54 artists and groups who have sent their bookmarks from Australia, Canada, Germany, Hawaii, Italy, Sweden the UK and USA. For more information please visit: http://www.bookarts.uwe.ac.uk
Pop into ECA Library to pick up your free bookmark!

Happy National Poetry Day 2017

Thursday 28th September 2017:
Wild Geese
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
from Dream Work, by Mary Oliver.
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press.
© Mary Oliver

Laurie Clark artworks exhibition opens at ECA Library

We are pleased to announce the opening of an exhibition of works on paper and artist’s books by Laurie Clark. The show has been curated by Laurie Clark and David Bellingham.

Laurie Clark: buttercups and harebells  will run until 15th November 2017, and is located in ECA Library, on level 1 of Evolution House, West Port, Edinburgh.
Laurie Clark, Tom Clark and David Bellingham are also working on a project with other Cairn Gallery artists, called Pages and Walls: http://pagesandwalls.com

Forthcoming exhibition: Laurie Clark bookworks

We are delighted to announce that poet, illustrator and book artist Laurie Clark will be our special guest exhibitor later this summer! Laurie Clark is a well known book artist based in Scotland, and one half of the genius behind Moschatel Press, and the Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem, along with partner Thomas A. Clark, poet.
ECA Library holds several works by Laurie Clark, such as the exquisite 100 Harebells (2012), and 100 Buttercups (2010), artist’s books, and many works by Moschatel Press such as A Box of Landscapes, (2010, and 2016).
We look forward to welcoming Laurie to ECA Library, Evolution House, and will post images and information about the exhibition later in the summer.

Adoxa moschatellina

Reproduction of a painting of Adoxa moschatellina by the Swedish botanist C. A. M. Lindman (1856–1928), taken from his book Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
[Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.]

Artists' books micro-residency at ECA Library

The Grey People undertook their residency in ECA Library from 20th – 24th February, exploring the artists’ books collection,  and making a selection of books to feature as part of the BookMarks Bookfair on 29th March 2017, and in a display in ECA Library which opens on 14th March.
A total of 25 books have been selected as fitting with their cross-disciplinary theme.
More news about the project soon!

A book 5 storeys high…

For the month of November, 2016, Artist in Residence Susie Wilson exhibited her new artwork, “Bookwork in 69 parts”, which completed her 2016 research residency in ECA Library.
“Bookwork in 69 parts” was hung in the stairwell of Evolution House, and was accompanied by a display of Susie’s new bookworks, inside the Library. The fragile 5 storey-tall drawing in 69 sections reached from level 5 all the way down to level 0, and gave visitors to the building pause for thought.
We would like to thank Susie for all her work during her research residency and congratulate her on this beautiful new piece of work created for the ECA Library artists’ books collection.
Bookwork in 69 parts, by Susie Wilson, 2016

Explore the University art collections

Find out more about the amazing art and object collections that the University cares for, at http://collections.ed.ac.uk/
The collections include artworks, photographs, musical instruments, rare books, manuscripts, archives and special collections.
To find out how to access these wonderful collections, contact the Centre for Research Collections (CRC):
Centre for Research Collections
Edinburgh University Library
George Square
Tel: +44(0)131 650 8379