Information Security Awareness Week 2017

Information Security Awareness Week will be held on 2nd – 6th October 2017. The week will focus on why information matters to all University students and staff, the threats that we all face as users, and how you can take some very simple steps to quickly protect your personal data and research content.
The main event on the afternoon of 4th October will see invited internal and external speakers present and discuss some of the issues. These will be very accessible and are aimed at all audiences, regardless of technical abilities. Bookings are now open via the following event channel:
We will also be active on Twitter during the week, with hints, tips and useful guidance. Follow us on Twitter at and with #UoEInfoSec
Further information will be posted on and Twitter during the week.

Free artists' bookmarks at ECA Library!

Bookmarks XV 2017 – 2018:
Bookmarks XV is the fifteenth and final outing of the Bookmarks series from University of West of England, Bristol, UK. Part I of the free artwork distribution series launched in 2004 and has since visited 159 galleries, bookstores, workshops, centres, schools, museums and libraries in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and USA, including ECA!
The series grew out of an aim to encourage appreciation and awareness of artists working in the book format. Participating artists each produced an edition of 100 signed and numbered bookmarks which were divided into 100 sets; one full set being sent to each of the contributing artists and the rest divided and sent out in distribution boxes to host venues around the world, such as libraries, for visitors to discover.
Since 2004, 598 artists have contributed 59,800 bookmarks to the project. Each bookmark is stamped with the current project’s website address, which directs the taker of the bookmark to the gallery section of the website. Visitors can view works by the artists and contact contributors via their website and email links on the site. As interest in artists’ books practice has grown internationally over the years, the bookmarks projects have now reached a natural conclusion.
Bookmarks XV will visit ten venues from September 2017 – February 2018 in Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, the UK and USA. The final set has 54 artists and groups who have sent their bookmarks from Australia, Canada, Germany, Hawaii, Italy, Sweden the UK and USA. For more information please visit:
Pop into ECA Library to pick up your free bookmark!

Happy National Poetry Day 2017

Thursday 28th September 2017:
Wild Geese
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
from Dream Work, by Mary Oliver.
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press.
© Mary Oliver


ECA Library extends a warm welcome to all new students, and a hearty “Welcome Back!” to all returning students and staff.
For new students, a great place to start for Library information is the University Library homepage here:
You can find information about the ECA Library (Evolution House, West Port) here:
and information about the departmental Art & Architecture Library (Minto House, Chambers Street) here:
We wish you all well and hope you enjoy your first Semester. Please do not hesitate to ask a member of Library staff for help, we will be delighted to assist you.
Welcome sign at ECA

Laurie Clark artworks exhibition opens at ECA Library

We are pleased to announce the opening of an exhibition of works on paper and artist’s books by Laurie Clark. The show has been curated by Laurie Clark and David Bellingham.

Laurie Clark: buttercups and harebells  will run until 15th November 2017, and is located in ECA Library, on level 1 of Evolution House, West Port, Edinburgh.
Laurie Clark, Tom Clark and David Bellingham are also working on a project with other Cairn Gallery artists, called Pages and Walls:

Forthcoming exhibition: Laurie Clark bookworks

We are delighted to announce that poet, illustrator and book artist Laurie Clark will be our special guest exhibitor later this summer! Laurie Clark is a well known book artist based in Scotland, and one half of the genius behind Moschatel Press, and the Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem, along with partner Thomas A. Clark, poet.
ECA Library holds several works by Laurie Clark, such as the exquisite 100 Harebells (2012), and 100 Buttercups (2010), artist’s books, and many works by Moschatel Press such as A Box of Landscapes, (2010, and 2016).
We look forward to welcoming Laurie to ECA Library, Evolution House, and will post images and information about the exhibition later in the summer.

Adoxa moschatellina

Reproduction of a painting of Adoxa moschatellina by the Swedish botanist C. A. M. Lindman (1856–1928), taken from his book Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
[Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.]

"What can I access once I have left ECA?"

As a graduate of ECA and the UoE, you will still be able to access various services and resources of the ECA and UoE libraries. For example, you will have access to databases such as Jstor, and you can register as an Alumni library user.
For more information, see
We wish you all the best for your future!

Extra study space in the central area during April and May

Looking for study space in the University central area for revision? The Main Library, George Square, will be busy but there are alternative spaces available.

At the Main Library the Lower Ground Floor, Ground Floor and Floor 1 are open 24/7: in addition, Floors 2, 3, 4 and 5 will also remain open 24/7 from 07:30 on Saturday 22 April to 23:59 on Sunday 14 May.
The four teaching rooms on Floor 1 of the Main Library can be used (79 seats) from Saturday 8 April to Sunday 21 May, as well as the Centre for Research Collections Research Suite on Floor 6 (12 seats) from Monday 17 April to Wednesday 17 May.
Look out for the library helpers in purple t-shirts who can assist you in finding a space.
As an alternative to the Main Library, why not try the 200 additional study spaces which are available from Monday 17 April to Friday 19 May in the David Hume Tower (DHT) Hub (rooms LG06-LG11).
Or use other libraries and open open access computing spaces.
The Law Library and David Hume Tower Ground Floor computer lab are open longer on 5 Sundays: 23, 30 April; 7, 14, 21 May 12:00-19:00.
Please also take a look at the interactive study spaces map at: