Want to boost your library research skills? Interested in finding out more about library resources for your research question? Looking for help with managing bibliographic and research data?
Join us for the Library’s week-long programme of events to help you succeed with your dissertation or thesis.
We’re offering a range of online sessions including EndNote for managing references, SAGE Research Methods and Literature reviews: functions, types and methods.
If you prefer to attend in-person events, why not come along to our Dissertation & Thesis Festival Discovery Day on Wednesday 26 February!
We’re celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month with a day of LGBTQ+ themed events in the Main Library, featuring :
- Stalls with information, freebies and advice on library resources
- Deep dive sessions into our digital primary sources
- Hands on session with our unique archival resources
Information and booking for all events is available here
We look forward to welcoming you!