Below you can find details of our various publications, including reports, articles and presentation slides. Please feel free to download and use them for reference purposes.
- Phase 2 – Full Report (PDF | DOCX) Summary (ENG | BSL | CYM | GD) | ‘Deaf Education in Scotland and Wales: Attitudes to British Sign Language in deaf education compared to Gaelic and Welsh’
- Presentation | ‘Deaf Education and the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act: comparisons with the Welsh approach’ (WISERD 2022 Conference, Swansea University, 6-7 July 2022) (PDF | PPTX)
- Phase 1 – Full Report (PDF | DOCX) Summary (PDF | DOCX | BSL) | ‘The impact of the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015 on deaf education’
- Presentation | ‘The impact of the BSL (Scotland) Act on the education of deaf children and young people: transformative equality?’ (British Association for Applied Linguistics 2021 Conference, Northumbria University, 9-10 September 2021) (PDF | PPTX)
- Presentation | ‘The impact of the BSL (Scotland) Act on the education of deaf children and young people’ (Language Policy Forum, Bishop Grossetese University, 27-28 May 2021) (PDF | PPTX)
- Presentation | ‘The impact of the BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 on deaf education’ (Language in Context Research Seminars, University of Edinburgh, 7 May 2021) (PDF | PPTX)