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Celtic & Scottish Studies Blog

Celtic & Scottish Studies Blog

Traditional arts, languages and culture in Scotland

Author: Lori Watson

Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology Musician, researcher, tea drinker Celtic and Scottish Studies University of Edinburgh

My name is Fraser Fifield, I’m a musician and composer, and delighted to be the new Traditional Artist in Residence at the University of Edinburgh. I’ve worked professionally in music for around 26 years, releasing 8 solo albums and performing on bagpipes, saxophone and low whistle with many artists at home and abroad. During my […]

BUTH-OBRACH sgrìobhadh le Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir. A Gaelic Writing worksop in collaboration with Comunn Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann.   Chan eil e gu diofar a bheil no nach eil sibh ri sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig mu thràth, is cinnteach gun ionnsaich sibh rudeigin ùr bhon ùghdar Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir! Ni sinn eacarsaich sgrìobhaidh no […]

Halò, tha sibh gu math? ‘S mise Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir is tha mi uabhasach toilichte gur mi a’ chiad Sgrìobhaiche Gàidhlig air Mhuinntearas aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann. Tha mi an dèidh bhith a’ sgrìobhadh bàrdachd is ficsean fad còrr is 25 bliadhna is ag innse sgeulachdan à beul-aithris son greis nas fhaide. Seo fios […]

close-up view of a reel to rell tape recorder

Sreath ùr a’ comharrachadh 70 bliadhna de Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba, 1951-2021. A new series marking 70 years of the School of Scottish Studies, 1951-2021. With thanks to all the presenters, staff at BBC Radio nan Gàidheal and at the School of Scottish Studies Archives. Tha an t-sreath phrògraman ùra Sgaoileadh an Eòlais a’ […]

Scottish traveller and storyteller Duncan Williamson speaks to a group of staff and students in the garden of the School of Scottish Studies off George Square, Edinburgh. The photo is black and white, the groups are sitting on the grass in a circle and are dressed in a 1980s style including jeans and brogues.

Celebrating the “cultural jewel box” of the School of Scottish Studies Archives in their 70th year (1951-2021) ‘Sunday 8 August will see two concerts marking the anniversary with cross-generational line-ups. A Folk Song Sharing features the veteran Caithness singer, songwriter and storyteller Nancy Nicolson, Gaelic singer Arthur Cormack OBE and a rising young singer-songwriter in […]

Opportunity   Dr Lori Watson is looking for a research assistant to contribute to a pilot project developing a new collection/archive of music composed by traditional musicians in Scotland. The post is for 56 hours during July-August 2021 paid at the UoE Grade 6.1 £15.52 p/h plus holiday pay and is funded by the Creative […]

A digital TradFest We were delighted to present our first annual Rebellious Truth lecture in association with Edinburgh TradFest on 10th May 2021. After postponing last year’s festival, which always brings together a wide variety of live folk music performances, the 2021 festival was entirely digital. The podcast series is live for a year on […]

Lecturer in Celtic and 2011 PhD alumnus, Dr Kate Mathis is a scholar of Celtic & Gaelic. Kate explores medieval literatures of Ireland, Wales, and Gaelic Scotland, mainly women’s poetry, elegy, and medieval characters that are reimagined during the twentieth century Celtic Revival. I write about sad women who lived a long time ago, and […]

Multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer Mike Vass joins us as School of Scottish Studies Traditional Artist in Residence 2019-2022. Mike will be exploring the archives and creating new work, facilitating collaborative projects with students across the university and supporting Celtic & Scottish Studies with our live events and the new MSc Traditional Arts Performance. Mike has […]

By Sarah Scott, MSc by Research Celtic Studies Gàidhlig Chaidh ‘An Ubhal as Àirde’, cruinneachadh ùr de litreachas Gàidhlig, a chur air bhog air Diardaoin 14 Samhain aig an Oilthigh.  Tha an leabhar na phàirt de shreath leabhraichean a sheallas farsaingeachd litreachas nam mion-chànan Eòrpach, agus tha e a’ toirt àrd-shealladh air a’ Ghàidhlig agus […]


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