14th April 2021 IAD user Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility’s (ECRF) on rainbows and their OER strategy
1st April 2021 IAD user Using Open Education Resources (OERs) to make a real-world impact: The Sustainable Global Food Systems MOOC
25th March 2021 IAD user Open Education Resources (OERs) from the School of Geosciences: The unforeseen benefits
4th March 2021 IAD user Open for Good: Five years of Open Education Resources at The University of Edinburgh
24th August 2020 IAD user Wikipedia as Learning Technology: Teaching knowledge activism vs passive consumption
10th June 2020 IAD user Spotlight on Alternative Assessment Methods: Students using Xerte to create open educational resources
21st January 2020 Josephine Foucher Editing live Wikipedia pages: Assessing students through OER creation