Contributors (2023)

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Listed by surname

A-E | F-J | K-O | P-T | U-Z


Debbie Aitken is the Director of the Clinical Educator Programme and a Senior Fellow in Medical Education in the Centre for Medical Education. Debbie is also currently completing part-time doctoral research on generational differences in teaching and learning in surgery at the University of Cambridge.

Gill Aitken is the Programme Director of the MSc in Clinical Education and the Director of Quality for the Edinburgh Medical School.

Suzanne Agnew portraitSuzanne works at the University of Edinburgh Careers Service. She is the link Careers Consultant for the Moray House School of Education (

Kenneth Amaeshi portraitDr Kenneth Amaeshi is the Head of the Strategy Group, a Reader in Strategy & International Business, and the Director of the Sustainable Business Initiative. Kenneth has pioneered the Teaching in Practice Sessions (TiPS) initiative in an attempt to ensure teaching skills and techniques are shared and discussed.

Cristina is a Research Associate within the School of Informatics. As an Informatics tutor trainer since 2013, she is responsible for the planning, organisation, delivery and assessment of the training programme.

Eli Appleby-Donald portraitEli is part of the learning technology team at ECA, supporting professional and teaching staff in the classroom and online. In this role, no two days are the same, and Eli can be found assisting online teaching teams before elevenses, helping to design courses after lunch, and appearing as guest tutor late in the afternoon. Eli is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a masters student with Moray House, and is embarking on her first research project looking into studio teaching online.

Read her learning technology blog or, if you are bored of learning tech, Eli is also an avid blogger on gardening, growing veggies, and cooking. You can also follow Eli on Twitter: @LearningTechEli.

Mikael Attal portraitDr Mikaël Attal is a Senior Lecturer in Geomorphology within the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, and member of the Land Surface Dynamics research group. He is Degree Programme Convenor of the Geology and Physical Geography programme and teaches on various Earth Science and Physical Geography courses across the school. He studies the interaction between surface and deep Earth processes (erosion and tectonics), how these processes shape landscapes, and the hazards associated with them (earthquakes, landslides, flooding). Find out more about him here .  You can also follow Mikael on Twitter: @mickymicky06s

Rosalind Attenborough portraitRosalind Attenborough is a PhD student in Science and Technology Studies at the University of Edinburgh. In 2017 she worked as a Student Transitions Intern – initially with Academic Services and the IAD to produce a guidance leaflet for staff, and then with the IAD and collaborators to support student transitions to online learning. Her PhD work is about the meaning of new trends towards “openness” in science. She initially graduated as a biologist and has spent three years working for PLOS, an open access scientific publisher.

Dr Thomas BakDr Thomas Bak is reader in Psychology, clinical research fellow in the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences and Deputy Director of Bilingualism Matters. Over the last few years, his work has focused on the cognitive effects of bilingualism and language learning across the lifespan, in healthy ageing and in stroke and dementia. He has spoken about this topic in press, radio and TV interviews, at Edinburgh Science Festival, Edinburgh Fringe (Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas) and other public events. Dr Bak teaches undergraduate and graduate students in psychology, linguistics, medicine and neuroscience.

Angus Bancroft portraitAngus is a lecturer in Sociology. He researches cyber-crime, the darknet, illicit markets and illicit drug use.

Holly Barsham portraitHolly Barsham is fourth year Social Anthropology and Politics student, and a current IAD intern. She enjoys volunteering, baking, running and attempting to speak French. She draws her teaching advice from her experience as a student at Edinburgh and the University of Washington, as well as teaching English as a foreign language.

Siân Bayne is Professor of Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh, based in the Moray House School of Education. She directs the Centre for Research in Digital Education and teaches on the MSc in Digital Education. Her research is currently focused on critical approaches to teacher automation, open and distance education, and the application of theory from the humanities and social sciences to digital education. More information about her work is on her web site at:

Simon Beames portraitSimon Beames is a senior lecturer in the Outdoor Education Section of the Moray House School of Education. For nearly 25 years, Simon has taught outdoors in North America, Asia, and Europe. He is former co-editor of the Journal of Experiential Education and former Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Simon developed the Outdoor Journeys programme – a cross-curricular, local outdoor learning initiative.

Laura Beattie portraitLaura is a PhD student in English Literature at the University of Edinburgh. She ran EdJoWriWe and LLC Writes in 2014/15 and 2015/16, along with colleagues from LLC: Georgina Barker (Russian and Classics), Olivia Ferguson (English Literature) and Barbara Tesio (Scandinavian Studies).

Catriona Bell portraitDr Catriona Bell is a Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Education. She contributes to teaching across all years of the veterinary curriculum, particularly the design and successful implementation of Peer Assisted Learning methodologies, and providing clinical context to preclinical areas of the curriculum. She is also a member of the R(D)SVS Student Support Team and contributes to the enhancement of the student experience through the R(D)SVS Study Skills Support Programme.

Linden Bicket portraitDr Linden Bicket is a Teaching Fellow in the School of Divinity and previously worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities. Her work includes the development of support for Postgraduate Tutors within the School of Divinity.

Krysten Blackstone portraitKrysten Blackstone is a History PhD student and a tutor within the School of History, Classics and Archaeology. Her research focuses on morale and identity in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. In addition to this, she is also a committee member and contributions editor of Pubs and Publications, where you can find more of her writing.

Dr Richard Blythe is a Reader in the School of Physics and Astronomy. In his research he aims to understand the statistical properties of complex interacting systems that are driven out of equilibrium. Applications include the clustering of swimming bacteria and the spread of social behaviour through a population. Having experimented with a variety of teaching and assessment methodologies in his undergraduate classes, Richard co-founded the Experienced Teacher Network to exchange experiences and generate new thinking in university teaching.

Elizabeth Bomberg portraitElizabeth Bomberg is Professor of Environmental Politics in the School of Social and Political Science. She is the proud recipient of several teaching awards and is leading initiatives within her School to strengthen links between teaching and research.

Heather Booton portraitHeather Booton is a third year English Literature undergraduate, currently working as a Communications Intern at the Institute for Academic Development.

Dr Catherine Bovill portraitDr Catherine Bovill is Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement at the Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Editorial Board member for Teaching in Higher Education and a member of the International Advisory Group for the International Journal for Students as Partners. She has published and presented widely on student engagement, students as partners and student-staff co-creation of curricula.

Sharon Boyd portraitSharon is a Lecturer in Distance Student Learning at the R(D)SVS, with a focus on enhancing online distance learning student support. She is director of the postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice, deputy director for the MVetSci in Advanced Clinical Practice, and course leader for Professional & Clinical Skills online postgraduate course. Her research areas are in sustainable and digital education, and she is currently working on a part-time PhD at the Moray House School of Education. She completed an IAD secondment in 2015 looking at sustainable veterinary medical education.

Dr Geoff Bromiley portraitDr Geoff Bromiley is a Reader in Experimental Geoscience within the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, and member of the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions. He is Degree Programme Convenor of the Geology programme and Earth Science Co-ordinator, and teaches on various Earth Science courses across the School of GeoSciences. His research involves studying the processes which occur under the extreme conditions of planetary deep interiors.

Megan Brown portraitMegan Brown is the Academic Engagement Coordinator at Edinburgh University Students’ Association. She leads on the strategic direction of academic representation for the Students’ Association, including oversight for the Class Rep and School Rep systems. She also provides support for the Vice President Education and the Postgraduate Taught and Research Student Reps.

Kieran Bunting portraitKieran Bunting is a Carbon Management MSc candidate working as a research assistant for EUSA examining the Teaching Awards. With an interest in technology and environmental engagement, Kieran aspires to continue doing research involving climate change, energy and education.

Amy Burge portraitDr Amy Burge is an Academic Developer working within the support team for tutors and demonstrators within the Institute for Academic Development. She provides training and resources for tutors and demonstrators from across the University, in particular those working in the humanities and social sciences.

Helen Cameron portrait
Picture by Edward Moss
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Aston University

Helen Cameron is the past Director of the Centre for Medical Education and an Honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh. She is now Dean of Medical Education at Aston Medical School, Aston University. She is particularly interested in assessment that encourages and supports effective learning.

Harry Campbell portraitHarry Campbell is Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and Public Health and Co-Director of the Centre for Global Health Research and of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Population Health Research and Training at the University of Edinburgh.

Lorna Campbell portraitLorna M. Campbell is a Learning Technology Team Manager leading the University’s OER Service based in Information Services Group, where she provides strategic support on open knowledge, OER, open licensing and academic blogging. Lorna has almost twenty years experience working in education technology and has a long standing commitment to supporting open education technology, policy and practice. She is a Trustee of Wikimedia UK, and the Association for Learning Technology. Lorna blogs at Open World, tweets regularly at @lornamcampbell, and is a member of the #femedtech network.

Dr Celine Caquineau portraitDr Celine Caquineau is a lecturer at the Edinburgh Medical School: Biomedical Sciences and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is currently doing a secondment at the Institute for Academic Development on “Fostering student staff academic community in Biomedical Sciences”. Celine is interested in innovative teaching and was the academic leader of the Massive Online Open Course ‘Critical thinking in global challenges’, one of the first MOOCs offered by the University of Edinburgh. She also runs the Biomedical Teaching Organisation (BMTO) teaching network which aims to encourage interactions and sharing of practices between all staff involved in teaching as well as to stimulate interest in research in Higher Education. For upcoming sessions, please visit the BMTO teaching network website.

Hanne is one of the School Senior Leaders (SSLs) for Informatics. She is currently in the final year of her degree.

Laura Cattell portraitLaura is Head of Widening Participation and Deputy Director of Recruitment and Admissions at The University of Edinburgh. She has strategic oversight and leadership for the University’s widening participation strategy and implementation. She works closely with Colleges, Schools and professional services teams to implement this, and leads the Widening Participation team who deliver outreach and transition programmes across Scotland. Prior to working at The University of Edinburgh Laura worked as Head of Widening Participation at The University of Liverpool and in outreach roles at Goldsmiths, University of London. She also held posts such as Vice-Chair for the Russell Group Widening Participation Association. Prior to working in HE she worked in the Youth Justice and Education sectors.

Kerry Cheek portraitKerry Cheek is a recent graduate of the MSc Environmental Sustainability programme, and currently working for the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh. Her interests within the field are particularly related to pro-environmental behaviour change and the circular economy.

Robert Chmielewski portraitRobert is based at Information Services and, as an eLearning Advisor, he specialises in helping courses to make the most of centrally supported solutions for online assessment/marking/peermarking, plagiarism detection and recording student reflection online.

Rosalyn Claase portraitRos is Head of Student Experience, having joined the Business School in November 2011 as the Careers Manager. She is responsible for leading the UG and PGT Support and Student Development Teams to collaboratively develop and implement the school’s student experience strategy and initiatives. Ros has a degree in Modern Languages (French and German) from the University of Cambridge, and has spent two years living and working in Germany. She holds a CIPD qualification, is an accredited Coach through the Association for Coaching, and a trustee of a local Edinburgh charity.

Catherine Clarissa portraitCatherine Clarissa is a fourth-year PhD student in Nursing Studies. Her doctoral research aims to contribute to better understand the care for mechanically-ventilated patients in an intensive care unit.

Francesca Coates portraitFrancesca is the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVM&S) Student Recruitment Officer.

Nick Colegrave portraitNick Colegrave is a Professor in Biology. He started at Edinburgh University as the Zoology Honours demonstrator (AKA Zookeeper) in 1999, and was appointed as a Lecturer in 2002. He is currently the Chair in Experimental Evolution and the Zoology Honours Program Organiser. His main teaching focus is getting Biological Science students to engage with quantitative skills, whilst his research interests include understanding the factors that affect how organism evolve in the face of environmental change.

Louise Connelly portraitLouise Connelly is a Senior E-Learning Developer at the R(D)SVS. She provides pedagogical advice and develop innovative approaches for CPD resources, online MSc programmes, and other digital educational resources, such as apps. My research interests include social media, e-professionalism, student transitions, and digital education.

Philip Cook portraitPhilip Cook is Lecturer in Political Theory in Politics and International Relations, School of Social and Political Science, and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Res Publica. His research focuses on the moral and political status of children.

Martin Corley is a former Teaching Director and the current Head of Psychology in the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences.

Andy Cross portraitDr Andy Cross is the Impact Coordinator for the School of GeoSciences, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is a member of the GeoSciences Outreach teaching team, and is a tutor on the SLICCs course. Andy is currently leading the PTAS project ‘Experiential Learning in communities: developing and testing a framework for evaluation’, and is interested in the broader uptake and promotion of experiential learning.

Sarah Cunningham-Burley portraitSarah Cunningham-Burley is Professor of Medical and Family Sociology, Assistant Principal, Research-led learning and Dean of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. She researches and teaches in a multi-disciplinary environment, bringing social scientific perspectives and methods to understanding and practice in medicine, public health and health and family policy. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and of the Academy of Social Sciences.

Elwira Danak works at the Edinburgh University Students’ Association as the Learning and Development Advisor. She is also the leader for the Edinburgh Award for the Edinburgh University Students’ Association student staff members.

Gergana Daskalova portraitGergana is an ecologist interested in conservation in the face of man-driven land use change. She is also a keen blogger and is very passionate about good teaching, as she is aspiring to be a lecturer and researcher. Having recently finished her BSc Ecological and Environmental Sciences degree at the University of Edinburgh, she is thrilled to return to teach in Coding Club and promote wide participation in quantitative analyses.

Rona Doig portraitRona joined the Business School in July 2014 and is currently Head of the Student Development Team supporting the personal and professional development of the School’s MSc and UG students. Rona has a background in financial services with over 20 years of experience in the sector, working in a variety of management and development roles including Training and Development and Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability. She has also run her own business working with a number of stakeholders across the private, public and charitable sectors providing consultancy and project management support. She is a certified Coach, PRINCE2 Registered Practitioner and NLP Practitioner. She is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh with a degree in Sociology.

Lawrence Dritsas portraitDr Lawrence Dritsas is a Senior Lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at the School of Social and Political Science, where he is also Director of the Undergraduate School. He researches histories of scientific knowledge in relation to colonial empires; the history of scientific expeditions (particularly in Africa) and the history of museum collections.

Tim Drysdale portrait

Professor Timothy Drysdale is the Chair of Technology Enhanced Science Education in the School of Engineering, having joined the University of Edinburgh in August 2018. Immediately prior to that he was a Senior Lecturer in Engineering at the Open University, where he was the founding director and lead developer of the £3M openEngineering Laboratory. The openEngineering Laboratory is a large-scale online laboratory offering real-time interaction with teaching equipment via the web, for undergraduate engineering students, which has attracted educational awards from the Times Higher Education (Outstanding Digital Innovation, 2017), The Guardian (Teaching Excellence, 2018), Global Online Labs Consortium (Remote Experiment Award, 2018), and National Instruments (Engineering Impact Award or Education in Europe, Middle East, Asia Region 2018). He is now developing an entirely new approach to online laboratories to support a mixture of non-traditional online practical work activities across multiple campuses. His discipline background is in electronics and electromagnetics.

Claire Duncanson portraitClaire Duncanson is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations in Politics and International Relations, School of Social and Political Science. Her research is situated at the intersection of gender politics and global politics, and focuses in particular on peacebuilding.

Bethany Easton portraitBethany is the Marketing and Communications Administrator for the School of Health in Social Science.

Alec Edgecliffe-Johnson portraitAlec Edgecliffe-Johnson is President of the Edinburgh University Students’ Association. He is on a year-long sabbatical from a degree in Economics at the University of Edinburgh.

Catriona Ellis portraitCatriona Ellis recently completed a part-time PhD in the history of children and childhood in late colonial South India and is currently working on her PGCap.  She has tutored and lectured for eight years in social history and Asian and African history.  Over the summer she produced a website for postgraduate tutors in the History Department, featuring articles, power-points and short pod-casts of senior academics discussing their teaching practice.  Funded by a Principal’s Teaching Award, the website hopes to enhance history teaching across the department.

Lucy Everett portraitLucy heads up the Employer Engagement team at the Careers Service. She is passionate about helping students find the right employer fit for them, and future work that will help them bounce out of bed in the morning. She oversees all careers related student-industry interactions, and works with employers from all sectors and all parts of the world. The Careers Service organise 7 large Careers Fairs, 5 smaller scale events, and 100s of employer presentations and skills session. They also advertise around 10,000 vacancies annually. Lucy is also The University of Edinburgh representative in the Joined Up For Business network in Edinburgh, a member of the ISE Scotland and the North group, and co-chair of the AGCAS Employer Engagement Task Group, responsible for sharing best practice amongst employer engagement professionals UK-wide.

Suzanne Ewing portrait

Suzanne is a Professor of Architectural Criticism, and was Head of the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) from 2016 to 2019. She is an architect, academic and educator who works at the intersection of humanities and design. Her work traverses design, research, review, writing, pedagogy, editing, curating, exhibiting, and city speculations. She researches architectural education, architectural criticism, theories and approaches to design practice and production and the environmental asymmetries of constructed grounds of the contemporary city.


Stephanie (Charlie) FarleyStephanie (Charlie) Farley is the Open Educational Resources Advisor with Information Services, Learning Teaching and Web Services Division. She also works as the Social Media Officer at EDINA. Her background is in academic libraries with interests in open education, open access, copyright, and digital literacy.

Tonks FawcettTonks is the Professor of Student Learning for Nurse Education in the School of Health in Social Science, and the Associate Dean Student Conduct for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science.

Sam FawknerDr Sam Fawkner is Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity (PA) for Health in the PA for Health Research Centre and is deputy head of the Institute of Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences. Sam is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and co-directs the MSc PA for Health. She was integral in developing the UK’s first intercalated degree in PA for Health (BMedSci PA for Health) and teaches on these programmes and other programmes across the Institute.

Tim FawnsDr Tim Fawns is an Academic Coordinator on the MSc in Clinical Education and part-time tutor on the MSc in Digital Education. He is also the director of the international Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education. His main academic interests are in education, technology and memory.

Pauline FergusonPauline Ferguson is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Marketing, and Director of MSc Marketing.

Simon FoktSimon Fokt splits his work between research in philosophical aesthetics and learning technology: the design of online courses and education resources. His academic work focuses on classification of art, aesthetic properties, and the borderlines of aesthetics: pornography, comics and computer games. Being committed to promoting equality in the academia, he manages the Diversity Reading List in Philosophy. He is involved in the production and delivery of five MOOCs, including Introduction to Philosophy and Intellectual Humility, as well as the creation of open education resources and promotion of knowledge exchange programmes.

Deborah FowlisDeborah Fowlis works part-time as a careers consultant in the University of Edinburgh Careers Service. She works mostly with Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students and graduates. Before qualifying as a careers consultant, she worked in stem cell/molecular biology post-doctoral research in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Paris.

Michael GallagherDr Michael Gallagher is a member of the Centre for Research in Digital Education at Moray House and Director of Panoply Digital, a consultancy dedicated to mobile for development (M4D). His research focus is on mobility, mobile learning, and digital education to support teaching and learning in the humanities in higher education, particularly in the Asia Pacific and sub-Saharan African regions.

Ross GallowayRoss Galloway is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Physics and Astronomy. He teaches on the undergraduate programmes in physics and also conducts pedagogic research as a member of the Edinburgh Physics Education Research group (EdPER). His research interests include the development of student problem solving skills, diagnostic testing, and flipped classroom pedagogies.

Alex GapudAlex Gapud is a 3rd year PhD candidate in Social Anthropology who tutors on Social Anthropology 1A and 1B, where he mostly works with first year students. He was awarded Runner-Up for the category of Best Student who Tutors in the 2015/16 EUSA Teaching Awards.

Mari-Cruz GarciaI am the service lead for the University digital portfolio platform PebblePad and the EDE advisor on assessment and feedback. I have a work background in digital education, technology enhanced learning and international education partnerships. I specialise in improving assessment and feedback practices at the University of Edinburgh by introducing the use of technology and embedding accessibility, inclusion and internationalisation in the assessment strategy of our programmes. My aim is to raise awareness of assessment literacy among staff and academics by providing information, training, opportunities of networking and disseminating best practices.

Andrew GardinerDr Andrew Gardiner is a Senior Veterinary Clinical Lecturer at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. Himself an Edinburgh graduate, he worked in general practice for 14 years before returning to the vet school as a lecturer. His interests include veterinary primary care, community animal health and welfare, and the history of the veterinary profession and veterinary education.

Jan Gardiner is Assistant Director (Development) in the Student Disability Service

Patrick GarrattPatrick is the Vice President Academic Affairs for Edinburgh University Students’ Association for 2016/17, and is a History (MA) graduate. Patrick is interested in creating a more conversational dialogue between students and staff, and wants to ensure that students feel like active partners in the pedagogical process.

Poppy Gerrard-Abbot Poppy Gerrard-Abbott is a second year PhD Sociology candidate and tutor at the University of Edinburgh researching gender-based violence in universities, and a feminist activist around sexual violence.

Natalie GilfedderNatalie Gilfedder is a final Year Business Management student. After her Employ.ed on Campus internship as an ‘Employability Projects Intern’, she became increasingly interested in the concept of graduate attributes, student employability and higher education. From this, she has worked part time as part of the University’s Employability Consultancy team and has chosen to focus her dissertation on the different skills and career destinations of graduates.

Ben GoddardDr Ben Goddard is a Lecturer in the School of Mathematics.  He is currently the course organiser for Facets of Mathematics (a year 2 topics course) and Multi-scale Methods in Mathematical Modelling (a year 4 applied mathematics course).  As well as teaching and research, he is interested in science outreach.

Gregor GorjancDr Gregor Gorjanc is a Chancellor’s Fellow in Data Driven Innovation for AgriTech at The Roslin Institute. He uses genomics and breeding to manage and improve populations used for production of food, feed and fibre. He achieves this through: (i) applied breeding, (ii) design and optimisation of breeding programs, (iii) methods for population and quantitative genetics and breeding and (iv) analysis of complex traits to unravel their biological basis and to inform new ways of breeding. He received engineering diploma in animal science and PhD in genetics from the University of Ljubljana. The Go Abroad Staff Teaching programme enabled him to disseminate his UK based research at his Alma Mater.

Annette GötzkesAnnette Götzkes is a Senior Teaching Fellow in German Studies, and Director for Outreach and Widening Participation in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures.

Christopher GrahamChristopher Graham led the APEX 5 expedition in his penultimate year of medical school, supported by a stellar team of organisers. Christopher enjoyed the challenges of research in the extremes, negotiating in Spanish, and learning the meaning of “expect the unexpected”… He’s grateful for the fantastic APEX 5 volunteers, expert supervisors, and immense support received. He looks forward to his next adventure.

Shirley GrayDr. Shirley Gray is a Lecturer in Physical Education and the Leader of the Physical Education Research Forum. She is also the founder and co-convener of the Scottish Physical Education Research Network, a network that aims to support students and teachers of physical education in their professional inquiry and development.

Shelagh GreenAs well as being Director of the University’s Careers Service, Shelagh Green is President of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services, the professional association for HE Careers and Employability. She is currently a member of the British Academy Steering Group reviewing the skills and attributes developed through Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Emma Greville-Williams is a Senior Teaching Fellow at the Edinburgh Centre for Professional Legal Studies. Emma teaches on several core courses within the School of Law and is involved with aspects of the general management and co-ordination of the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice.

Emily GribbinEmily Gribbin is Head of Student Administration for the School of Health in Social Science. She is particularly interested in researcher development for doctoral students and exploring ways to support the student community.

Mike GrieveMike is the Student Relationship Manager at R(D)SVS, with a focus on enhancing the student experience.  Mike holds a BA (hons) in Business Management and retail studies from Queen Margaret University.  He is an active member of the Student Support Management Group which oversees pastoral care and support for approximately 750 undergraduate veterinary students.  In February 2016 he was helping with student assessments at the Edinburgh Dog & Cat home and two days later found himself adopting a wee springer spaniel who he’s called Meg.

David GrumettDr David Grumett is Chancellor’s Fellow in Christian Ethics and Practical Theology in the School of Divinity. Other ethics courses he teaches include Regarding the Other and Metaphysics and Morality

Vicky GunnProf Vicky Gunn is the Head of Learning & Teaching as well as the Professor of Arts and humanities in Higher Education at Glasgow School of Art. In 2015 she was commissioned by the HEA to produce a report on equality and diversity in learning and teaching at Scottish universities. In her previous role at Glasgow University’s Learning and Teaching Centre she also produced an academic development briefing on LGBT student learning experiences.

Porai Beaven GwenderePorai is a member of African Leadership Academy’s (ALA) 2016 Graduating Class. While at ALA, Porai developed and exhibited his leadership traits through engaging in most of the academy’s activities. He is an affiliate of Joshua Nkomo Scholarship Fund, a personal and leadership development programme in Zimbabwe. He desires to develop his professional skills in preparation for his career path. He is a first-year Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy student at the University of Edinburgh as a MasterCard scholar.

Patrick Hadoke

Patrick is a Reader in the Centre for Cardiovascular Science and Director of Post-Graduate Student and Early Career Researcher Experience for the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. His major research interests include the mechanisms of arterial remodelling (predominantly atherosclerosis and angiogenesis) in health and disease.

Patrick’s interest in research staff careers has included involvement in establishment of the first Post-Doctoral society in Edinburgh approximately 14 years ago. This led to involvement with Vitae and the formation of what is now the UKRSA. Patrick served on the UKRSA committee for a number of years, latterly serving as co-chair.

Andy HancockDr Andy Hancock is Director of Postgraduate Studies and Lecturer in Primary Education in Institute for Education, Teaching and Leadership, Moray House School of Education. He is Co-Director of the Centre for Education for Racial Equality in Scotland (CERES). He has many years experience working as a teacher in multilingual classrooms in England, Scotland and Zimbabwe and as a Manager of a local authority Bilingual Support Service. His research interests include children’s biliteracy learning, language-in-education policy and student teachers’ understandings of diverse classrooms.

Pauline HanesworthDr Pauline Hanesworth has worked in higher education for 11 years, first as a university lecturer and programme leader, developing various learning and teaching initiatives, second as an academic development officer at the Higher Education Academy in Scotland, specialising in equality, diversity and inclusivity. She currently manages and delivers the HEA’s programmes of work on equality and diversity, as well as contributes to wider HEA Scotland, retention and attainment, coaching and teaching excellence initiatives, activities and research.

Jeni HardenDr Jeni Harden is Director of Education in the Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics. She is responsible for the development of, and teaches on the Year 1 module Health, Ethics and Society and is joint theme lead for ‘Social Science and Public Health’ in the Edinburgh medical curriculum. She has interests in promoting the integration of social science in medical curricula and works with colleagues both in the UK and internationally, including the development of a core curriculum for sociology in medical education. Jeni is Co- Director of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships and conducts qualitative research in the area of child and family health.

Emily HardingEmily is finishing her MSc in Psychology of Mental Health at the University of Edinburgh. She is currently working as a Research Assistant to Emily Taylor, working on a range of projects involving research related to children growing up in care.

Chris HarlowChris Harlow is a Lecturer based in the Centre for Reproductive Health. Chris has a background in basic science research in the ovary, and an involvement in teaching and leading teaching programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level in biomedical science. He has a special interest in integrating on line and digital learning into the curriculum, exemplified by the use of Wikipedia as a teaching platform. Chris is currently undertaking the Edinburgh Teaching Award towards Senior Fellow.

Tina HarrisonTina is Assistant Principal Academic Standards and Quality Assurance and Professor of Financial Services Marketing and Consumption. Tina joined the University in 1993 and continues to maintain an active academic role in the Business School. She has had overall responsibility for the University’s quality assurance framework as Assistant Principal since 2009. She is a member of the QAA Scotland ELIR 3 Committee, a member of the sparqs University Advisory Group, and represents the University sector on the SCQF Quality Committee. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the European Quality Assurance Forum.

Roxanne HawkinsRoxanne Hawkins is a PhD student and tutor in Clinical Psychology, School of Heath in Social Science.

Elaine Haycock-StuartDr Elaine Haycock-Stuart is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing Studies, and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, in the School of Health in Social Science.

Jeff HaywoodJeff Haywood is Vice-Principal Digital Education, and Professor of Education and Technology in the School of Education. He leads the university’s digital education strategy, including its expanding portfolio of taught online Masters degrees and CPD and MOOCs. He has led, and been a partner in, numerous EU-, JISC-, SFC- and Research Council-funded projects in the field of technology in higher education and lifelong learning.

Sarah HendersonSarah leads the implementation of the University of Edinburgh’s first fully online distance learning Masters programme in pain management. Sarah is currently Programme Director of the MSc in the Clinical Management of Pain programme and also the Deputy Director for Taught Postgraduate Programmes at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

Peter HigginsPeter is Professor of Outdoor and Environmental Education at Moray House School of Education. He teaches academic and practical elements of outdoor, environmental and sustainability education, is a HEA Principal Teaching Fellow, Director of the Global Environment and Society Academy, and the United Nations University Regional Centre of Expertise in ESD (Scotland). He and colleagues conduct research on place-based learning and the relationship between outdoor learning and learning for sustainability. He has recently been active in developing on-line approaches to teaching these issues.

Emily HochkinsEmily Hochkins is a 4th year veterinary student from Lincolnshire who wants to work towards conservation as a wildlife veterinarian when she graduates. This will involve educating members of the public, which is why she became involved with the negotiation skills class as part of her Undergraduate Certificate in Veterinary Medical Education.

Deborah HoltDr Deborah Holt is a Bicentennial Fellow in the Moray House School of Education and Sport. Since 2013, she has been depute and programme director on the BEd Primary and MA Primary Education programmes with responsibility for preparing students for professional placements on a range of ITE programmes. Her research is in positive mental health promotion in education, and she specialises in pupil wellbeing and health and wellbeing teaching in primary education.

Johanna HoltanJohanna Holtan is currently the Program Manager for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program. For the past six years, she has worked with the Students’ Association and the Institute for Academic Development to build student/staff initiatives focused on social innovation, experiential learning, and global citizenship including University’s festival of creative learning, EUSA Global, the Gather Festival and TEDx University of Edinburgh. In addition to her work with the University, Johanna is the Director of Go Jo!, a creative facilitation consultancy and Tribe Porty, a social enterprise in Portobello. She is also the co-founder of the award-winning CycleHack, TEDx Portobello, and Penny in Yo’ Pants.

David HopeDr David Hope is a psychometrician specialising in assessment and feedback. A fellow of the HEA, he is closely involved in the assessment of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and mentors on the Edinburgh Teaching Award. His previous work with PTAS has received a Teaching Innovation Award from the International Association for Medical Education. He is currently working on supporting at-risk students before they fail assessment, helping to improve formative feedback in the clinical environment and promoting fairness in postgraduate medical licensing exams.

Karen HowieKaren Howie is the Technology Enhanced Learning Team Manager in the Learning, Teaching & Web (LTW) Directorate in Information Services (IS). She joined IS last August, coming from the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, where she was an IT Manager with a particular interest in learning using technology.

Neil HudsonDr Neil Hudson MA VetMB PhD DEIM DipVetClinStud SFHEA MRCVS is a Senior Veterinary Clinical Lecturer at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. An RCVS Diplomate in Equine Internal Medicine, Neil teaches throughout the BVM&S Programme, leads this Distance Learning initiative with Scott Pirie and introduced and leads the new Undergraduate Certificate in Veterinary Medical Education at the Vet School.

Kirsty HughesKirsty Hughes is a Researcher in Veterinary Medical Education at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (R(D)SVS), University of Edinburgh. Her research interests include assessment and feedback, educational research methods, the student experience, student and staff wellbeing and development. She is a mentor on the IAD and R(D)SVS EdTA programmes as well as on the R(D)SVS student AFHEA scheme.

Dee IsaacsDee is lecturer in Music in the Community at the University of Edinburgh. For the past 20 years Dee has worked predominantly in the area of Music in the Community throughout Scotland and the UK. She is passionate about the creation of music and its wider value and biannually she creates performances in the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh with friends, collaborators, students, and children.

Professor Grant Jarvie is Chair of Sport and Founding Director of Edinburgh’s Academy of Sport. He is a former Chair and Director with the National Sports Council and is currently a Board member with the Scottish Football Association advising on matters of equality, diversity and community engagement.

Charlie JefferyProfessor Charlie Jeffery is Professor of Politics and Senior Vice-Principal at the University of Edinburgh. His research and teaching focuses on: comparative territorial politics; devolution in the UK; and German politics, in particular EU policymaking and the German federal system.

Lauren Johnston-Smith

Lauren Johnston-Smith is Online Learning Marketing Project Manager in the Learning Teaching and Web division of Information Services at the University of Edinburgh, where she identifies, delivers and champions development projects to enhance the presence of the University’s online learning portfolio. Lauren has 20 years’ experience in marketing higher education and the arts. She has worked at the University since 2010, formerly holding the position of Marketing and Communications Manager in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine’s Graduate School.


Daniel KenealyDr Daniel Kenealy is a Lecturer in Public Policy, in the School of Social and Political Science. He was director of the Master of Public Policy programme between 2013 and 2016, and has helped to develop work shadowing and work-based placements in the School of Social and Political Science, where he was School Quality Assurance Director between 2017 and 2019.

Meryl KennyDr Meryl Kenny is Lecturer in Gender and Politics in the School of Social and Political Science and Convenor of ‘Understanding Gender in the Contemporary World’. Social and Political Science in Practice won ‘Best Course’ at the EUSA Teaching Awards in 2016, and was runner-up for the ‘Innovative Assessment’ Prize. She is currently a Co-Investigator on the UGC-UKIERI grant ‘Teaching Feminisms, Transforming Lives: Questions of Identity Pedagogy and Violence in India and the UK’, which seeks to foster research and teaching collaborations and exchange between the University of Edinburgh and Ambedkar University Delhi.

Medhat KhattarMedhat Khattar is a Teaching Fellow in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases in Biomedical Sciences. When not teaching microbiology, Medhat explores what political theory has to offer. He holds an MA in political philosophy (York), and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Pete KingsleyPete Kingsley is the Student Development Coordinator on the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. He is responsible for the delivery of the student development activities and pastoral care of the Scholars.

Ewan KleinEwan Klein is Professor of Language Technology in the University of Edinburgh’s School of Informatics, and has 30 years’ experience of research in natural language processing. He is currently serving as Ambassador for Open Knowledge Scotland, and is also a co-founder of Prewired and of Edinburgh Living Lab. He has organised the Smart Data Hack since 2013.

David KluthDr David Kluth is Director of Undergraduate Medical Teaching and Head of Medical Education, Edinburgh Medical School. His principle role is as Programme Director for the MBChB degree programme including curriculum design and assessment. He is a Reader in Nephrology and a Principal Investigator in the Centre for Inflammation Research. He is also Deputy chair of the Medical School Council Assessment Alliance Board.

Dr Jeremy Knox is a Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, working in the Centre for Research in Digital Education. His published work includes critical perspectives on Open Educational Resources and Massive Open Online Courses, and the recent Posthumanism and the MOOC: contaminating the subject of global education with Routledge. Jeremy is co-convenor of theSociety for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) Digital University network.

Winston KwonDr Winston Kwon is a Chancellor’s Fellow in the Business School and the course organiser for Organising for Social Change. His current research interests concern hybrid organisations and how they address social and environmental challenges across a number of contexts such as social inclusion, mental health and micromobility.

Alison LaceyAlison is an MSc taught student studying Film Exhibition and Curation. She has an undergraduate degree in Film & Media and English Language & Literature. At Edinburgh, Alison supplemented her studies with part-time work to enable her to engage with the wider University community.

James LambJames Lamb is an ESRC-funded PhD student within the Centre for Research in Digital, where he also teaches on the MSc in Digital Education. His doctoral research is investigating the relationship between digital technologies and the negotiation of learning spaces across and beyond campus. His blog can be read at, and you can follow him on Twitter: @james858499.

Philip Larkman is Director of Teaching in the Biomedical Teaching Organisation (BMTO).

Angela LaurinsAngela Laurins is Library Learning Services Manager within Library & University Collections. She manages the Resource List service and the Library’s Open Journals service which provides a platform for academic and students to publish open access journals. Her team also supports 30 + Library Blogs. She has worked at Edinburgh University Library since 2008.

Matthew LawsonMatthew Lawson is currently Programme Manager in the University of Edinburgh’s Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability having previously worked at Transition Edinburgh University. After completing his undergraduate degree in International Relations, Matthew got involved in a variety of community and environmental groups while studying for a Masters in Multi-level and Regional Politics. His research focused on climate change policy in Scotland. His current role includes responsibility for social responsibility and sustainability reporting, benchmarking, developing sector-wide and external partnerships, liaising with academic degree programmes and courses, as well as having oversight of the department’s outreach and student engagement activities. Matthew has worked for the University since 2011.

Jenny LennonJenny is a second year PhD student in the School of Biomedical Sciences researching ciliary motility in the fruit fly. She doesn’t like pina coladas or getting caught in the rain.

Neil LentDr Neil Lent is a lecturer in University Learning and Teaching at the Institute for Academic Development. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His remit in the IAD is enhancing assessment and feedback practices within the University of Edinburgh. He has interests in the enhancement of learning and teaching, employability, and understanding and evaluating cultural change in higher education.

Daphne LoadsDaphne Loads works in the Institute for Academic Development and is academic lead of the Edinburgh Teaching Award and convenes the Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme.

Madeleine LongMadeleine Long is a third year PhD student in the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences. She works with linguists and psychologists to explore questions at the intersection of cognitive ageing, second language acquisition, and the pragmatics of human communication.

Christine Love-RodgersChristine leads a team of Academic Support Librarians working to support the Library in delivering the University’s strategies for learning, teaching and research within the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science. Christine offers specialist library support to the School of Divinity and the School of Social and Political Science, curating digital resources, information and advice in Library Subject Guides. Christine delivers bespoke information literacy teaching within her Schools, as well as interdiscplinary sessions delivered via the Digital Skills team and the Institute for Academic Development.

Tanya Lubicz-NawrockaTanya Lubicz-Nawrocka is a PhD Candidate at the Moray House School of Education. Her research focuses on the ways in which student engagement and co-creation of the curriculum advance students’ and staff members’ aims in higher education. Tanya also works at Moray House as the Partnerships and Professional Learning Coordinator.

Catherine LyallCatherine Lyall is Professor of Science and Public Policy and Head of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies in the School of Social and Political Sciences. Some of her work on interdisciplinarity can be found on here including her report to the HEA on interdisciplinary learning and teaching provision in the UK and an advert for a new 1+3 PhD funded studentship “Disruptive influence? The role of interdisciplinarity in training the next generation of researchers”.

Antony MaciociaAntony Maciocia is the Dean of Students in the College of Science and Engineering. He is also senior lecturer in the School of Mathematics and is leading the working group into grade point averages in the University.

Fiona MackayFiona Mackay is Dean and Head of the School of Social and Political Science, and Professor of Politics. She teaches and researches in the area of gender and politics. Fiona is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS).

Jill MacKayJill MacKay is a Research Fellow in Veterinary Education with an interest in digital education, the staff-student relationship, human-animal interactions, and interdisciplinary research methods. She teaches on several R(D)SVS MScs and the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security BScs. You can find her on Twitter @jilly_mackay

Dr Gale MacleodGale is a Senior Lecturer in the Moray House School of Education. She came into the university after a career in residential care work and then teaching in schools for pupils with behavioural difficulties. Her primary research interest is in the experiences of young people who are identified as having disruptive behaviour in school. In relation to teaching, Gale has particular concern with the experiences of PGT students. In addition to this PTAS project she has been a member of the UKGCE PGT student identity working group for the last 3 years and was Dean (PGT) in CAHSS from 2013 – 16.

Ben MarderBen is a Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Edinburgh Business school. He is head of year four and course organisation for undergraduate dissertations. Ben’s research expertise is in social media and has published in using technology as a support mechanism.

Jessica MartinDr Jessica Martin is a Lecturer in Statistics and Animal Welfare at the R(D)SVS. She is interested in the integration of behavioural, physiological and data science to investigate animal welfare issues. She teaches research methods and data analysis subjects to science and vet students.

Joseph Marshall

Joseph Marshall is Head of Special Collections and the Centre for Research Collections at Edinburgh University Library. After completing a PhD at the UoE on the writings of King James VI of Scotland, he worked as a curator at the National Library of Scotland before joining Edinburgh University Library as Rare Books Librarian, becoming Head of Special Collections in 2014.

Hazel MarzettiHazel Marzetti is a Research Assistant at the Institute for Academic Development focussing on higher education research. She is interested in feedback and assessment, queer history and culture, LGBT+ community education and development, and creative methods of intersectional, feminist research. You can find Hazel on Twitter: @hazelmarzetti.

Amer MasriDr. Amer Masri graduated with PhD degree in sheep genetics from Edinburgh university in 2013 and working as a post-doc researcher. Dr. Masri is helping the newly arrived Syrian refugees to settle and is providing his advice on adapting and integrating in the new Scottish community. He is the cofounder of the Syrian teenage refugees tutoring scheme at Edinburgh University.

Ruairidh MaxwellHaving graduated from the MA Architecture programme at the University of Edinburgh in 2016, Ruairidh has started his postgraduate studies. In the summer between the two degree courses, he worked closely with the University’s Employability Consultancy on a number of projects. This included a refresh of the Edinburgh Award’s visual language, as well as designing graphic aids for the Graduate Attributes revision. This work, along with a strong research interest in the pedagogy and practice of Architecture, has formed the basis of a philosophy for him: that reflecting on the experiences you already have will grant you a foothold in an uncertain future.

Ewan McAndrewEwan McAndrew is the current Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh. A PGDE English & Media teacher for the last few years, Ewan has taught in various parts of Scotland and worked increasingly with heritage institutions, most recently with the Glasgow School of Art’s Archives team on their WW1 ‘Roll of Honour’ project.

Lesley McAraProfessor Lesley McAra is Assistant Principal Community Relations and holds the Chair of Penology in the Law School. Lesley’s overall ethos is to conduct research with, on and for the community.

Gavin McCabeDr Gavin McCabe leads the University’s Employability Consultancy. With a background in statistical epidemiology, international development, careers advice and higher education projects, he is now responsible for supporting institutional strategy and initiatives relating to students’ employability, development and graduate attributes, as well as fostering associated local-level activities and enhancements. Current areas of responsibility include: the Edinburgh Award, SLICCs (Student-Led, Individually-Created Courses), Making Transitions Personal and the MyDevelopmentHub.

Gillian McCayGillian McCay completed a PhD in Geology at the University in 2010 and has been assistant curator of the Cockburn Geological Museum for 7 years. Gillian’s interests span geological time, ranging from 600 million year old sedimentary rocks in Scotland and Ireland to the tectonic evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean over the past 30 Million years. Although Gillian still considers her self a field geologist, these days she more often finds herself crawling around in cupboards than climbing over mountains.

Velda McCuneVelda McCune is Deputy Director of the IAD and Head of the Learning and Teaching Team. She has oversight of the continuing professional development opportunities which the IAD offers for staff involved in teaching and supporting student learning. An important focus of her work is collaborating with colleagues in Schools and Colleges to take forward research and scholarship relating to teaching and learning in Higher Education.

Meg McGrath is a Communications Coordinator for the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability. Prior to joining the department, was the Development Officer at the University of Sheffield’s Students’ Union, where she opened an outlet dedicated to plastic-free lifestyles, the UK’s first campus-wide coffee cup return scheme and aided the NUS in the creation of their campaign on plastic pollution.

Kate McHughKate McHugh is the Deputy Head of Short Courses (Learning and Teaching) at the Centre for Open Learning. With a background in wellbeing provision and adult education, she is working to build a friendly and open academic community across the Centre and wider University. In post since April 2018, she has focussed on supporting opportunities for professional developing of teaching staff, such as launching a peer observation scheme and encouraging community engagement. Kate also works to support unique learning opportunities offered across the Short Courses programme, a suite of diverse courses open to the public.

Celeste McLaughlinCeleste McLaughlin is Head of Academic Development for Digital Education, based at the Institute for Academic Development (IAD). She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is course director for the Digital Education course, an optional course of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice programme. Her remit includes supporting the Online and Distance Learning community by convening the Online Learning Network. Her interests include open education, and digital assessment practices.

Craig McMillanCraig McMillan is a former student and graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Biotechnology in 2017. He has a keen interest in learning and teaching, but, in particular, how to maximise the learning environment in lectures through interactive engagement.

Heather McQueenHeather McQueen is a Senior Lecturer in Molecular Genetics and Associate Director of Teaching in the School of Biological Sciences. As well as 20 years of laboratory based research into genome organisation and epigenetics in higher vertebrates, Heather has led a variety of pedagogical and public engagement projects including investigations of online collaborative learning using “Peerwise”, of student attitudes to plagiarism and study use of Facebook, and the “Gene Jury” project for school pupils. Heather was a finalist for the HE UK Bioscience teacher of the year 2014 and received an honourable mention in the 2015 Turnitin Global Innovation awards. Currently Heather is on secondment to the Institute for Academic Development, conducting a two-year project on flipped learning.

Esther MijersEsther Mijers is lecturer in Scottish History and Director of Teaching (pre-honours History) and Teaching Director for History (pre-honours). She arrived in Edinburgh two years ago, having taught at the University of Reading before then.

Richard Milne

Dr Richard Milne is a Senior Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology, in the School of Biological Sciences. His research work primarily focuses on plant geography and evolution, but he has strong interests in science communication, critical thinking, and how changes in how we produce our food could lead to a more sustainable future. Dr Milne obtained his BSc at The University of Bristol in 1991, and then spent half a year on an expedition to S America examining plant diversity. He completed his PhD at the University of St Andrews in 1997, and continued to work on various research projects there until he moved to Edinburgh in 2004.

Dr Milne’s lectures are extremely popular with undergraduate students, and he was voted Most Innovative Lecturer in 2009, then Best Overall Lecturer in 2010, and this year won the Van Heynigan award for teaching in Science and Engineering. He was also shortlisted for Bioscience Teacher of the Year in 2011.

Nikki Moran

Nikki Moran is Senior Lecturer in Music at the Reid School of Music, Edinburgh College of Art. She has designed courses and taught broadly across Music’s curriculum. Nikki’s research concerns cognition of musical performance. She has a critical interest in scientific and public discourse around music, and how ideas in these domains come to interact with values in educational settings.

Dr Alexa MorcomAlexa Morcom is the Director of Teaching in Psychology in the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences. Find out more on Alexa’s staff profile.

Andi MóringDr Andi Móring studied meteorology MSc at the Eötvös Loránd Univerity, Budapest Hungary, then did a PhD at the University of Edinburgh. Currently, she is a postdoctoral research assistant at the University of Edinburgh. She has a strong interest in atmospheric and environmental chemistry, with a special focus on modelling of ammonia emission from agricultural sources. Andi is a keen science communicator. In 2014, she was the runner-up at the university-wide final of the “Three Minute Thesis” competition at the University of Edinburgh.

Nina MorrisDr Nina Morris (, @_NinaJM) is a Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Edinburgh and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is Course Organiser for the geography Honours option course Space, Place and Sensory Perception which is partially assessed by blog.

Chris MowatDr Chris Mowat is Senior Personal Tutor and Senior Lecturer in Bioinorganic Chemistry in the School of Chemistry. He first walked through the doors of the Joseph Black building in October 1992 as an undergraduate student, and has never felt the need to leave.

Diva Mukherji is a 4th year Sociology and Social Anthropology student, and the current Black and Minority Ethnic Officer.

Alan MurrayAlan Murray is Professor of Neural Electronics, Assistant Principal, Academic Support and Head of the Institute for BioEngineering at the University of Edinburgh. He introduced the Pulse Stream method for analogue neural VLSI in 1985. Alan’s interests are now in (a) direct interaction between silicon and real neuronal cells and (b) silicon chips for biomedical applications. He currently leads the £5.2M IMPACT (Implantable Microsystems for Personalised And-Cancer Treatment) project, funded by an EPSRC Programme Grant and has a passion for teaching. Alan has taught at all levels over his years as a lecturer, Reader and Professor and currently enjoys teaching first year engineering, first year electronics and third year Electromagnetics courses. Alan is a Fellow of IET, IEEE and the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Principal Fellow of the HEA and has published over 340 academic papers.

Isla Myers-SmithIsla Myers-Smith is a chancellor’s fellow in the School of GeoSciences. She teaches Conservation Science, GeoScience Outreach, Critical Thinking and other courses in the Ecology and Environmental Sciences Programme. She studies global change impacts and biodiversity change in tundra ecosystems and is the leader of ‘TeamShrub’ or the Tundra Ecology Lab.

Karoline NanfeldtKaroline is a 4th year Psychology student, who has been interning over the summer for the lecture recording programme as part of the Learning, Teaching and Web division within Information Services. She became involved in the programme as the student voice on the procurement process. She likes discussing theoretical issues in research methods, reading fantasy books and scrolling through animal pages on social media.

Ali NewellRev Ali Newell is Associate Chaplain at the University of Edinburgh and the Co-founder of the Teenage Syrian Refugee Tutoring Project.

Lisa NowakLisa works in the Department of Peer Learning & Support at Edinburgh University Students’ Association. She coordinates the Peer Learning schemes across the University.

Kieran ObermanKieran is a Lecturer in Political Theory at Edinburgh University. He obtained his DPhil in Politics from Oxford University and has since held positions at the University of Louvain, Stanford University, the Asian University for Women and University College Dublin.

Sharron OgleDr Sharron Ogle is a lecturer and Programme Director for the online MSc in Biodiversity, Wildlife and Ecosystem Health. She is very strongly embedded within the BMTO and the PG community. Sharron graduated with an honours in Medical Microbiology at the University and went on to complete a PG Certificate in Education (Secondary) in Glasgow. This led to 4 years teaching biology and science. Sharron then returned to the University of Edinburgh to complete the MSc in Reproductive Biology and a PhD with the Dick Vet. Her time in secondary education really shaped the way she views teaching and assessment and she is pleased to be able to bring some of that experience to her current position.

Vanessa OmburaVanessa Ombura is a third year Civil Engineering undergraduate student and a University of Edinburgh MasterCard Foundation scholar. Growing up in Nairobi, Kenya, at a time of accelerating technological change being used for social impact, she was inspired to study Civil Engineering due to both its interdisciplinary focus and the large-scale impacts infrastructure has. She has so far also been able to develop her interests in interdisciplinarity and social impact through a summer internship developing a University-wide course on the City of Edinburgh, as well through her membership with the HYPED society.

Clara O’SheaClara O’Shea (@claraoshea) teaches various courses on the MSc in Digital Education including: Assessment, Learning and Digital Education; An Introduction to Digital Games-Based Learning and Understanding Learning in Online Environments. She is also an ESRC-funded Doctoral Student within the Centre for Research in Digital Education, exploring identity development in formal and informal digital environments.

Timothy O’SheaProfessor Sir Timothy O’Shea FRSE, Principal of the University of Edinburgh. A computer scientist, he is a graduate of the Universities of Sussex and Leeds. He became Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh in 2002.


Jessie Paterson portraitDr Jessie Paterson, Lecturer in Student Learning, R(S)SVS. Jessie is involved in the Professional Skills teaching as well as student support. Her main focus is around academic support and leads the School’s Study Skills Team but she also has a strong interest in student wellbeing. She also leads on the Schools VetPALs scheme and other student-led activities.

Zoe Patterson portrait with added false moustache In 1998 after ten years working in the design industry both in Britain and the United States Zoe Patterson entered Edinburgh College of Art as Graphic Design Programme Director. Since that time she has maintained her professional practice and developed her research in the field of education. This has manifest itself in a number of design and teaching projects, the most significant of which won The Guardian University Award for Employability in 2013.

Prof Remo Pedreschi is a Chartered Civil Engineer and holds the Chair of Architectural Technology in the Edinburgh College of Art.

Martin Peggie portraitMartyn Peggie is a Deputy Director of Human Resources at the University of Edinburgh with responsibility for Reward, HR Systems, HR Information and Resourcing. Martyn joined the University as Senior HR Partner – Reward and Systems in 2014 and prior to that worked in the University of Stirling.

Dr Chris Perkins is Senior Lecturer in Japanese and Director of Undergraduate Teaching in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. His research focuses on questions related to media, memory and modern Japanese history. Chris is also interested in how cultures within academic disciplines shape learning and teaching practice.

Fiona Philippi portraitDr Fiona Philippi is Head of Doctoral Education and Deputy Head of Researcher Development at the Institute of Academic Development (IAD).

Lila Pitcher portraitLila Pitcher is an Academic Blogging Intern in Information Services. She is a fourth year student studying History of Art and English Literature.

Sergei Plekhanov portraitSergei is Senior Teaching Fellow at the School of Economics. He lectures in the first two years of economics degrees, coordinates the second-year core economics course, and works on various projects aimed at improving students’ experience.

Kathryn Redpath portraitKathryn Redpath is Director of Learning and Teaching, Teaching Fellow in English Language Education, and School Academic Misconduct Officer at the Centre for Open Learning. In her Director of Learning and Teaching post since May 2018, Kathryn aims to increase and improve communication around learning and teaching, and to build a stronger sense of academic community within the Centre for Open Learning, particularly in terms of increasing the number of opportunities for colleagues to share good practice within and across disciplinary and pedagogical boundaries.

Joël Reland portraitJoël graduated from Edinburgh in 2017 with an MSc in International Political Theory. He now works as a researcher and writer for Full Fact – an organisation which factchecks claims made by politicians and the media.

Susan Rhind portraitProfessor Susan Rhind is Chair of Veterinary Education and Assistant Principal Assessment and Feedback. She has strategic leadership for assessment and feedback developments across the University and works with staff and students to develop strategies and policies to support academics in developing and delivering quality feedback.

Lucy Ridley portraitLucy Ridley is the Projects and Engagement Administrator at the Institute for Academic Development. Part of her remit includes running the Festival of Creative Learning alongside Jennifer Williams, Projects and Engagement Coordinator.

Simon Riley portraitDr Simon Riley is a Senior Lecturer based in the Centre for Reproductive Health and Edinburgh Medical School. He is Director of Student Selected Components in the undergraduate medical curriculum, and Director of Postgraduate Taught in the Deanery of Clinical Sciences. Simon is currently undertaking a part-time secondment with the Institute for Academic Development, where he is developing his main teaching interests in experiential and inter-disciplinary learning, student agency and co-creation in the curriculum, through co-leading the Student-Led, Individually-Created Courses (SLICCs) institution-wide initiative.

Judy Robertson portraitProfessor Judy Robertson is Chair in Digital Learning and the Research Lead in Institute for Education, Teaching and Leadership, Moray House School of Education. Having spent twenty years learning and then teaching in Computer Science departments, she knows what it is like to be the only woman in the room a wearying large proportion of the time. Judy has experimented with various permutations of flexible working arrangements to fit around family life, and is grateful to work in the university sector where this is possible. She is married (to a man) and spends considerable time teaching her son not to blindly collude with the patriarchy by dropping his socks on the floor.

Sabrina Valeria Ronco portraitAfter graduating cum laude from the BA programme “International Studies” at Leiden University in 2016, Sabrina continued her academic studies at the University of Edinburgh, where she graduated with an MSc “Political Theory” with distinction in November 2017. Whilst writing her postgraduate dissertation on the ethics of the Anthropocene, she completed a traineeship at the International Center for Climate Governance in Venice, Italy. Currently, she is working for the department of Climate and Environmental Policy at the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), and is looking into applying for PhD programmes in environmental ethics and climate justice.

Claudia Rosenhan portraitDr Claudia Rosenhan is a teaching fellow at Moray House School of Education. Together with her colleague Dr Farah Akbar and PhD candidate Takuyah Numajiri she has conducted a PTAS funded project on Enhancing Assessment Literacy.

Dr Jen Ross is co-director of the Centre for Research in Digital Education, and deputy director of Research and Knowledge Exchange in the School of Education. Her online distance teaching includes the MSc in Digital Education (which she directed between 2012-15) and the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC. She currently leads the AHRC-funded ‘Artcasting’ project about digital engagement with art galleries. Her research interests include online distance education, digital cultural heritage learning, open education including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), digital cultures and futures, and online reflective practices. Read more about her research and teaching at

Jonny Ross-Tatam portraitJonny Ross-Tatam was the President of Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) for 2015/16. He is a History (MA) undergraduate, and took a full-time Sabbatical year in between his 3rd and 4th years. Jonny has spent a lot of his time thinking about university education, especially how to make it more personalised and fit for the world we live in.

Lynsey Russell-Watts is a Careers Consultant in the University of Edinburgh Careers Service, with a focus on Edinburgh College of Art students. Before retraining as a careers adviser, Lynsey was Lecturer in French at the University of Nottingham.

Emily Salvesen is the CPD Programme Manager in the Institute for Academic Development.

Christopher Sangwin portraitProfessor Chris Sangwin is Professor of Mathematics Education as part of the Centre for Technology Enhanced Science Education. He is interested in the automatic assessment of mathematics using computer algebra, in particular the development of the STACK system, in mathematical problem solving using Moore method and similar student-centred approaches and in curriculum development.

Dave Saunders portraitDave is Programme Director for BMedSci(Hons) Sport Science Medicine and previously Programme Director for BSc(Hons) Applied Sport Science at the Moray House School of Education.

Kate Saunders portraitDr. Kate Saunders is a Lecturer in Volcanology in the School of GeoSciences. Kate teaches on the undergraduate Earth Science degrees. Kate is a member of the Young Academy of Scotland. Her research interests focuses on the timescales and formation of volcanoes from the chemistry of their erupted products.

Murray Saunders portraitMurray Saunders is Professor of Evaluation in Education and Work at the University of Lancaster. He has research interests in the nature of evaluative practices, the relationship between education and the workplace and the connection between social change and development and evaluative practice.

Elinor Scarth portraitElinor Scarth is a landscape architect and lecturer at The University of Edinburgh where she directs the Master in Landscape Architecture programme. With over ten years experience working in an international context with renowned landscape and architecture practices, Elinor has managed a wide ranging portfolio of projects from private gardens and public spaces and parks. Elinor’s approach to research is enriched by a ‘making with’ approach to landscape architecture design. In addition to her work at the Edinburgh College of Art, she has led design studios at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Marseille, taught on the European Masters in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA) programme, and co-organised the EMiLA summer school in 2015.

Kate Schafferius portraitKate is a Student Support Leader at University of Edinburgh Business School, and is currently in her fourth year at the University studying Accounting and Business. She hopes to become a fully qualified Chartered Accountant in the coming years.

Anne-Marie Scott portraitAnne-Marie Scott is Deputy Director of Learning, Teaching and Web Services. Her background is in the design, management and support for academic IT services, particularly those used to support teaching and learning activities online. Amongst her interests are the use of new media and the open web in teaching and learning, scalable online learning platforms, and learning analytics. She is a Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology, an Apereo Foundation Board member and also a Trustee of the Mansfield Traquair Trust. Outside of work she is a prolific gardener and grower and can pickle just about anything!

Katie ScottKatie Scott is the Head of Peer Learning and Support working in partnership with the Students Association and the University. She is also the Co-Chair of the International Academic Peer Learning Leadership Group, which networks, supports and develops over 400 members with an interest in peer learning globally. She is the Convenor of the Scottish Peer Support Network and in her spare time runs her own consultancy and holds a Board position with the Empowerment Project. Although she also loves a lazy Sunday.

Justine SeranDr. Justine Seran works in the Go Abroad Projects teams in Edinburgh Global. She specialises in new forms of mobility, including virtual exchange, and is passionate about enhancing the student experience through the provision of holistic support including academic skills, social integration, culture shock, mental and emotional wellbeing, and employability.

Toby SharpeToby Sharpe is a postgraduate student at the University of Edinburgh, with a research interest in queer lives and literatures. He undertook his undergraduate degree in Edinburgh, briefly studying abroad at McGill University in Montréal. He is the co-founder of Project Myopia.

Chris SheridanChris Sheridan is the eLearning Co-ordinator for the Clinical Trials programme with the Usher Institute. She has an MSc in Digital Multimedia and is currently undertaking a second MSc in Education. She is a Fellow with the Higher Education Academy and a certified member of the Association of Learning Technology.

Dr Sara ShintonSara is the Head of Researcher Development and Assistant Director of the IAD. Her role is to oversee IAD support for all the University’s researchers including doctoral students, research staff and technicians, principal investigators, supervisors and research leaders. She also works with senior management to implement university strategies which relate to and affect researchers.

Rachel SimmondsRachel Simmonds is an architect with over 20 years‘ experience in both practice and teaching, both in the UK and overseas. Since the start of 2017 she has been Programme Director for Interior Design at Edinburgh College of Art, and has been the Interiors Co-ordinator for the SCF collaboration since its inception in 2015. Since then she has spent almost 6 months as a Flying Academic delivering the projects in Shanghai.

Isla SimmonsIsla is a fifth year Geology Masters student at Edinburgh University with an interest in volcanology. She initially became involved with volcanology outreach when she was studying abroad in Auckland during her third year, and she has continued to teach about volcanoes in primary schools and at science fairs since returning to Edinburgh.

Dawn SivesDawn Sives is the Student Services Secretary and has worked in the School of Geosciences since August 2016 when the new system was introduced.  Dawn is responsible for the management and administration of the new Tutoring and Demonstrating process and also supports the Head of Student Services with other activities.

Laura Sleigh is a Student Attraction Advisor for EY and the University of Edinburgh Business School. Laura is a former student and graduated with an MA (hons) in Geography in 2008.

James SmithProfessor James Smith is Vice Principal International and holds a personal chair in African and Development Studies. James is a passionate advocate of the possibilities of international education having himself swapped the classrooms of Scotland for the expanse of the Kalahari to study for his PhD. Providing more opportunities for colleagues and students to engage internationally and supporting the university to strengthen its global connections are priorities of the university’s Global Engagement Plan.

Paula SmithDr Paula Smith is a Senior Lecturer/Academic eFacilitator in the Deanery of Clinical Sciences, and teaches on the MSc in Surgical Sciences (Edinburgh Surgical Sciences Qualification) and the MSc in Clinical Trials. She has been a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2004, and has recently completed the Edinburgh Teaching Award towards Senior Fellow. Paula has written blogs for the Educational Design and Engagement team.

Paul Smyth is a Learning Technology Advisor within the Educational Design and Engagement team. His current area of focus is the VLE (Learn) Standards Project.

Ellen SpaethEllen Spaeth is a learning technologist at the University of Edinburgh. She’s recently completed her PhD, likes playing video games and music, and is interested in how technology can facilitate engagement and enrich assessment and feedback. Ellen tweets at @ellenspaeth.

Dr Speirs works on a number of Widening Participation projects as a practitioner and researcher. His particular interests include: peer related pedagogical practices, retention, returning adult learners, early years engagement, equity of student experience and the academic underachievement of males.

Jo SpillerJo Spiller is Acting Head of Educational Design and Engagement (EDE). Her main interest is in how we can make most effective use of all types of technology to support learning and teaching across the institution as well as seek out new ways and new approaches to using supportive technologies.

Eilidh SteeleEilidh is passionate about the importance of supporting students to realise their potential and develop their skills through work experience and work related learning. Eilidh leads the Internships and Work Experience team at the Careers Service. She is responsible for the Insights Programme and the Employ.ed Internship programmes that provide supported internships for students On Campus and with Small and Medium sized organisations. Eilidh is also a member of the AGCAS Placement and Work Related Learning Task Group.

Rosie StenhouseDr Rosie Stenhouse is a Lecturer in Nursing Studies, in the School of Health in Social Science. She is keen to support the learning experience of students through the use of engaging methods such as groupwork, film, and the arts.

Kirsty StewartKirsty Stewart is the Edinburgh Award Coordinator at the University of Edinburgh. Coming from a background in higher education Careers Service work and offshore logistics, in 2013 she joined the University’s Employability Consultancy and is now responsible for supporting the expansion, enhancement and day-to-day running of the Edinburgh Award, providing informed advice and support to academic and non-academic staff across the University and facilitating increased student uptake of the Award.

Neill StorrarDr Neill Storrar is a haematologist in NHS Lothian who undertook this work as part of a 2 year Clinical Fellowship in Medical Education. It forms part of his MD on peer learning in the clinical setting. He also leads the undergraduate haematology module in the MBChB and contributes to other medical teaching locally and nationally.

Helen Stringer

Helen Stringer is Assistant Director of the Careers Service, and has a remit for developing academic partnerships. Helen also manages a team of careers consultants, and worked with Dr Lynsey Russell-Watts – careers consultant for ECA – on the career resilience project.

Dan SwantonDan Swanton is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography and the Senior Tutor for the Geography undergraduate students. Dan is a cultural geographer and his research focuses on urban multiculture, the geographies of race and racism, industrial ruins, and everyday life in cities.  Dan teaches across the Geography programme, including lecturing on an introductory Human Geography course for Year 1 undergraduate students, and organising an honours option ‘Encountering Cities’ and a field class to Berlin. As senior tutor he has been developing a programme of activities to enhance study skills among Geography students.

Emily TaylorDr Emily Taylor is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, and Director of Learning and Teaching for the School of Health in Social Science. She is particularly interested in how academic communities can be fostered between staff and students in campus and online spaces.

Jared TaylorJared Taylor has been programme director for Animation at ECA since July 2011. He spent the previous 25 years as an émigré Scot in London, working as a producer for a variety of video games companies, before running the MA in Interactive Digital Media at Ravensbourne College of Design & Communication, and lecturing in their Animation department.

Tobias Thejll-MadsenTobias Thejll-Madsen is a 4th year psychology student graduating July 2018. His interest in education was sparked when he started working with personal development in teenagers in his home country, Denmark. While at University of Edinburgh, Tobias has been involved with Student-Led, Individually-Created Courses voicing a student’s perspective, as well as being training manager at the student-led consultancy FreshSight Ltd.

Alison Thomas has been a teacher of English for Academic Purposes for the past 25 years, teaching at HEIs both abroad and in the UK. She joined ELE five years ago, and now teaches on a wide range of writing support courses.


Dr Elizabeth Vander MeerElizabeth has a PhD in environmental policy and ethics from Lancaster University, specialising in biodiversity conservation, and is also studying anthrozoology. Elizabeth has been employed by the University of Edinburgh in policy and research management roles since 2007, in diverse areas such as e-science and carbon capture and storage. In her current role, Elizabeth develops University climate change mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity strategy, implementation plans and reporting.

Francesca VavoticiFrancesca Vavotici is a PhD candidate in English Literature, and has been working as a Gender and Equality PhD Intern at the Centre for Research Collections since Autumn 2018. Her research into the University’s archives is aimed at uncovering and presenting stories of marginalised people and groups within the collections. She presents her work at a number of events across campus and regularly updates her blog, Diverse Collections. She has recently organised an International Women’s Day Sketchathon to share the findings of her research.

Niki VermeulenDr Niki Vermeulen is a Senior Lecturer in History & Sociology of Science, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (STIS) in the School for Social and Political Science (SSPS) of the University of Edinburgh. She specialises in research and innovation policy and the dynamics of scientific collaboration, also looking into the role of space in the integration of knowledge. She won the Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Public Engagement with Science, and is a visiting scholar in the Centre for Science and Technology Studies of Leiden University.

Matjaz VidmarMatjaz Vidmar is a doctoral student in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh and at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh. He is an (Astro)Physicist by training, with further degrees in Social Science, examining science evaluation, innovation and economic growth. He is involved in several international initiatives and projects to develop the future of Space Exploration and Industry, such as serving as the Policy Lead for the Gateway Earth Development Group and as a Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Astrosociology Research Institute. He is also a university lecturer, a mentor and tutor, and an award winning science communicator. You can find out more about Matjaz and his work at his Research Webpage.

Rianna WalcottRianna Walcott is a postgraduate researcher at The University of Edinburgh, studying fiction from the black diaspora. Her research focuses on how black people respond to marginalisation in predominantly white spaces, and Project Myopia was a natural progression, to help marginalised people in academic spaces.

Patrick Walsh

Patrick Walsh is a Senior Lecturer and Associate Director of Teaching for Student Experience in the School of Biological Sciences. He oversees the School’s PALS programme and initiated student societies related to the School’s degree programmes. His research focuses on animal behaviour and his teaching covers evolution, animal biology and ecology.

Ross WardRoss Ward is a Learning Technology Advisor within Information Services, Learning Teaching & Web Division, He is currently the service lead for the Blackboard Learn virtual learning environment. Ross has also been coordinating the launch of a new monthly Learning Technology Showcase and Networking series of events in collaboration with elearning@ed.

Tom Ward is Director for Academic Services at the University of Edinburgh. He is interested in how good governance and effective policy and regulation can drive enhancements to the student experience. He has long-running commitment to equality and diversity issues, and has been involved in various relevant projects both at the University and in previous roles at the Scottish Funding Council.

Julie WatsonDr. Julie Watson is a Research Fellow/Lecturer in Nursing Studies in the School of Health in Social Science.

Dr Kay Williams is a Study development advisor at the Institute for Academic Development.

Imogen WilsonImogen Wilson was EUSA’s Vice President Academic Affairs for 2015/16.
Twitter: @eusavpaa

Anna WoodDr Anna Wood is an education researcher, currently in the School of Mathematics. Her background is in Physics and her current research interests include the role of dialogue in teaching and learning, and the use of technology in large, undergraduate science classes. She is currently employed on a PTAS-funded project, working together with Pamela Docherty, Ross Galloway, Judy Hardy, Chris Sangwin, and Tony Bailey.

Robert YatesRobert Yates is a Carbon Finance Masters student and Managing Director of team CreatEd. He is on a mission to develop his extra-curricular skills, particularly in leadership, communication and teamwork, in preparation for his career outside of education. He also dabbles in ironman triathlon in his spare time.