25th April 2023 teachingmatters ChatGPTeaching or ChatGPCheating? Arguments from a semester with large language models in class (Part 2)
18th April 2023 teachingmatters ChatGPTeaching or ChatGPCheating? Arguments from a semester with large language models in class (Part 1)
28th March 2023 teachingmatters It can tell you the reason for climate change but does not know what the climate is
17th August 2022 Clarissa Yung Developing reflective communities in Higher Education: Learnings from the photovoice project Identities in Transition
28th July 2022 IAD user “I know a first when I see one!”: Developing transparent marking descriptors with the help of students
20th October 2021 Josephine Foucher Podcast: Decolonising the Curriculum – Sharing Ideas with Radhika Govinda (22 mins)
30th August 2021 Josephine Foucher Spotlight on voices of movers and shakers: Meet Claudette Igiraneza, winner of the School of Divinity Gratitude Essay Writing Competition
3rd August 2021 Josephine Foucher Pathways to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research: Introducing the SHAPE-ID Toolkit
19th February 2021 IAD user Podcast: Martine Irakoze wants to bring something new to the table (9 min)