Category: School of Social and Political Science

ChatGPTeaching or ChatGPCheating? Arguments from a semester with large language models in class (Part 1)

It can tell you the reason for climate change but does not know what the climate is

Podcast: Guy Fletcher & Marc Geddes (Teaching Awards series, 28 mins)

Developing reflective communities in Higher Education: Learnings from the photovoice project Identities in Transition

“I know a first when I see one!”: Developing transparent marking descriptors with the help of students

Pedagogies of the climate activism space

Podcast: Decolonising the Curriculum – Sharing Ideas with Radhika Govinda (22 mins)

Spotlight on voices of movers and shakers: Meet Claudette Igiraneza, winner of the School of Divinity Gratitude Essay Writing Competition

Pathways to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research: Introducing the SHAPE-ID Toolkit

Podcast: Reflections Series: Connections and adaptations online (35 minutes)