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Week 3_Class Assignment: D-I-Y Learning Learning Theory

  • Class Assignment: D-I-Y Learning Learning Theory

The assignment which I chose was Learning To Love You More (LTLYM) . From the website of LTLYM, I selected the task of No.28: Edit a photo album page.

It asked the participants who decided to join in it to edit a photo album page.

Take a piece of solid-colored paper that fits over the entire album page and cut one to ten holes in the paper that reveal details of the pictures. These details can be parts of people’s bodies, their pets, a cake, a poster, anything you find visually intriguing. These holes should be small, just isolating the details, with holes that are the shape of the thing you are isolating.

And I finished it with taking photos on and editing almost all of my card from schools, banks or some offices.

Here is my work/response of this art assignment: symbols of society

  • Reflective Analysis

The reason why I created this work was because that I thought everyone might just be a symbol in this internet century, sometime we just ignored the real, physical world or identity of each of us. When you were at school, you might be No. Sxxxxxxx; when you walked into a bank on the street, you “became” the account which was number of 1234 5678 90xx; and when you wanted to buy anything in shops, you were changing your roles in “club card” which maybe numbered of anything else. That’s actually a “digital age”.

So it made me think a lot, I didn’t have any point about whether the phenomenon was positive or negative. I suppose it is just interesting but also weird, in some aspects, all the human being are just component of the society. Maybe this statement sounds pessimistic, but I think It’s just a current state. It made me think more about what human beings mean to society. It also made me think about my personal existence. On a certain level, this response is also an inspiration for LTLYM.

  • Use one or more of the learning theories outlined above to unpack the assignment.

#Critical Pedagogy

The point of Critical Pedagogy is shifting the focus on how knowledge is constructed through forms of social interaction towards thinking about how knowledge is constructed by society as a whole.

About my work, I suppose the “personal-symbol culture”(my conlang) is like a kind of knowledge about human being and social system, and it was constructed by society as a whole, it connected tightly interlocked. For example, I arrived in Edinburgh by airplane, and the Customs House would take a look at my passport. Then I needed to check-in my student accommodation with my entry permit or something like that. And then I would collect my BRP, my student card and so on. The process was just like a game, and I became many types of symbols for many times to meet different departments.

About the assignment No.28: edit an album, it was also a kind of knowledge which was constructed by society as a whole. In this assignment, it asked people collected the similar elements but from different pictures in different places. It required us to think about the connection between each part of the whole society, we should no longer think socially interaction at this moment. I regard the assignment as the collection of elements that are connected to society as a whole within social interaction. And  this art assignment should be considered to enable or facilitate paragogy.

1 reply to “Week 3_Class Assignment: D-I-Y Learning Learning Theory”

  1. s2339972 says:

    I think Ding Jia’s project is particularly impressive because it allows people to think about the nature and development of things through the small things in life, and this ability to observe things and think about them is very worthwhile for me to learn from. The “personal-symbol culture”(my conlang) is very interesting, in fact I think that roles and numbers are not necessarily negative things, the same substance can only form a group because of the different numbers, and only then can unpredictable combinations and events arise.

    Secondly I think that symbolic culture is a bit like labelling, some people want to create their own label, while others want to tear off their own label, but in fact the purpose of tearing off the label is just to create a new one, only by constantly creating new labels (scientific, technological or cultural, etc.) can we promote social development.

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