draft (daft) proposal

sooo on the right, a pile of home grown rock salt in a pile, with the two flocked swords coming from it, a painting of a cat with butterfly wings, a salt dough fencing helmet/ monolith.

ON THe right ‘u look familiar’ painting, ramp-age, then mourning breath on a flocked plinth. 

i don’t know something like this? tbh could all change depending on the day the space how im feeling. here r the components anyways. lots of things 2 do and make.


here is the video of me talking about the prophesy. I mess up a lot but it was fun nonetheless. My flatmate came home at the end which is why it ends abruptly. 

au revoir chickens. 


so this is what i will make next:

-i mean first of all this afternoon i will make nigella’s Guinness cake because I really want to make a cake.

-I would like to make a candle that is a birthday party hat, and is hollow and the wicks meet in the middle to form a strap. I want it to have glitter in it.

Birthday hat candle doesn’t last very long but neither do birthdays

  • I would like to also paint an orange cat with blue wings, really kitsch and stuff. Maybe like the cat has died and is now an angel bby.
  • I am going to cut up my old latex curtain and make some intricate lace pattern on it.
  • I WILL send off the swords for flocking, my flatmate said they’d make me some wooden handles for them.
  • maybe we could have a little birthday party for all the things i’ve made so far, gather them around a table and put a hat on them ?
  • I’ve been thinking loads about my bowling pin mould in the fire station and would really like to complete my bowling pin ducks at some point, but i would need assistance and a non carpeted floor.

Again my feeling is that i dont have any tethers rn, they’re all sort of floating. they’re all also quite small but i dont know how to work bigger rn ://

omg a poem 4 u!

wow, ur very lucky, 2 posts in a day? and one of them is a poem? wow. you must feel gr8. 

anyways i wrote this this afternoon, i don’t know why, mayb its because i ate such good leek pesto and also had a delicious ginger shot and kombucha lol. all the good energy channeling foods. anyways this is a poem about lil mice bbys, tryin 2 emulate them angela carter twisted fairlytale vibez, is not v good, but oh well: 


She was born, a Sooterkin,

Mouse-eyed and clawed,

Crawled from that space


“Oh, the pelted-power of a skin

On backwards and flesh-side in!”

The mother, c-shaped, shadowed

In tight fitting insignia

Swaddled and cradled her child

And named her Mildred

After her mother.

She was fed on a diet of cheeses

Blue and brie and goat and gouda

Until she turned the ripe age of 10,

And then, she found herself

Turning inside out!

The verso reversed and pellis prevailed

Until the signature itself

could only be read backwards.

Her flesh side becoming skin side

hair filled pores retracting,

paws compacting to fingers

a human girl!

As to be expected, the mother found

This new human child to be grotesque

And picked up her broom

And swept Mildred straight out the cat-flap.

objects objects objects (and a leek)

Hi there! 

I am in a much better mood than the last post, Ive spent a week going for walks, slowly making things and cooking delicious food which has all round improved my outlook on life. I have got very much into researching ramp, or flowered wild leek, which is an invasive species in edi. I had a walk along union canal until we got to the aquiduct, then we decended to the lower level and got onto the waters of leith at slateford. after following the river int the lieth direction we came aross absolutly loads of wild leek. I picked a little bit and brought it home to make pesto. on my way home i went into a shop and found the most incredible piece of ginger.

also look at this pub that has half fallen into the river!

sooo, not only have i made possibly the most delicious pesto ive ever had, but also i have made a salt dough leek, coloured with wild leek.

I like like like this process. I say ‘hello this is wild leek, it is very much different to normal leek. it is invasive, and is killing off all the wild garlic. it was introduced by an estate (throwback to lawns/monocultures and how bad they are) and is not good. there is dialogue between wild and tame again, selective breeding applies to both cats and leeks, intresting to create the form of the cultivated variety with its ansestor.’

Imagine making a lifesize version of yourself from the ashes of your dead grandmother.

ecology is a mesh, it is irelevant and un-chaactirsable. I think again of the wild leek as having some kind of hauntology also, she is irrelevant in the frame of produce, but she still resides wild-ly on the banks of rivers, reminding us of where the leeks we get in the co-op come from. i don’t know, im finding this hard to articulate. 

I also made a weed leaf, lol. 



more image 4 u and a quick update

hi yea been in my head a lot here is a collage of image i found on the internet and some sketches maybe

these cats have c l a w e d that scrathich post which looks so nice aha 

me with a ranging rod in my goth phase (2013 ? ) 

new painting, looked v demonic in the afternoon sun lol

I really messed this up oops, i added this ‘air dry clay’ i got off ebay and it was not it cracked and was allround very annoying, but ive got some more stuff and can hopefully salvage. I have decided it will become a sphinx cat and I will use latex to do this, im thinking on the tail mainly, i will makea long thin tube of it and wrqp it and drape it like when your sweing a band for something and then you have to flip it the right way out. THE teeth will be egshells, and its lucky me and my flatmate are having eggs for lunch today! 

Anyway i dont know if i want to give the cat teats, there is room for em, and it would b fun to do i don’t know,i could just do lil nipples? lemme know in the commnets. Also yea im just really tired but also wired ygm? was talking to a mate at goldsmiths whos had loads of access to his studios and it just made me a bit sad, I think also I inhaled a lot of turpentine yesterday which was a bit annoying. Is hard to make stuff on ur bedroom floor u know 🙁 also didnt apply 4 newcontemps becuase it was a 25 pound application fee?! and i was like im sorry im not paying 25 pound to be rejected lol, i can pay much less elsewhere. but yea i hope i do apply next yr, i don’t know it is such an ellitiest idea of spending money for applications i fear myself verging on complete disillusionment with art establishment. Its like we’re trapped and still turning a profit for people, i don’t know, ugh lol (Sorry this turned into such a sappy post oops) 

