The scenario
You’re about to teach your class but there’s been a room change and you want to make sure the session will be recorded. What to do?
- Firstly, check the light on the desk. It should change to RED at the time the class is scheduled to start (usually, 10 minutes past the hour).

- If the light remains green (not recording) you can quickly schedule your own recording (as long as you are teaching in a room which has been equipped for lecture recording).
Performing an ad-hoc recording
- Log into your Learn course that you use for your course and open Replay using the Media Hopper Replay link (usually called “Lecture Recordings” in the list of course contents).
- When Replay opens, click on the pink “Create” button at at the top of the screen and select “New Device Capture”.
- From the Where? menu, select the room you are teaching in. You can type the name or location of the room into the search box to help narrow down the results.
- Use the Hours and minutes options to define how long your recording will last.
- From the Inputs menu, choose which of the available inputs you would like to record. The
default selection is always as many inputs as possible for that particular room. - Leave the Quality setting as High Quality as this will produce a recording suitable for playback on most devices, and by users with slower internet connections.
- If you wish to make your Ad Hoc recording a live session, then enable the Live Stream option. If you enable Live Streaming Your audience can view the live stream from within their course by logging into Media Hopper Replay and clicking on the class containing the stream, followed by the Show Live Stream button.
- Use the Publish to… menu to select the location you want your recording to be saved to. The default will be the course you currently have open.
- Click Start to begin your recording. Your ad hoc capture will either appear in your Library or as a new class within your course (depending on your choice) under the title ‘Ad Hoc Capture’. A green light will appear next to it to inform you that it is recording.
Myth Busting
The Delcom light in the rooms acts primarily as a visual clue as to whether a recording is in process.
GREEN=Not Recording
Amber=Recording Paused.
You can press the light to pause / unpause an already scheduled recording. You can *not* start a recording by pressing the light in the room. Instead, follow the instructions above on how to perform an ad-hoc recording.
Related Links
User guide: Performing an ad hoc recording in Media Hopper Replay (PDF)
Video: View the short tutorial video on performing an ad hoc recording in Media Hopper Replay
Create an ad-hoc lecture recording / Informatics Learning Technology Service by blogadmin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0