I’m now very used to the referencing style used in education journals (e.g. “according to Author (1999)”), to the point where the numbered style more commonly used in science (e.g. “according to [1]”) really annoys me!
This year I’m supervising three undergraduate projects, and I’ve asked them to use the APA style for referencing in their reports.
It took me a while to find a way of doing this in LaTeX that I was happy with, so to smooth the path for my students I shared this version of the project template, where I’d made all the necessary changes to implement APA style:
The key parts are as follows.
In the preamble:
% formatting of hyperlinks \usepackage{url} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{xcolor} \hypersetup{ colorlinks, linkcolor={red!50!black}, citecolor={blue!50!black}, urlcolor={blue!80!black} } % Use biblatex for references - change style= as appropriate \usepackage[natbib=true,backend=biber,sorting=nyt,style=apa]{biblatex} \renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont} % add your references to this file \addbibresource{references.bib}
At the end of the document:
And make sure to add references.bib to your project, with all the bibtex references. I’ve found Mybib.com a really useful tool for this, though I mainly use Zotero as my reference manager (and this can import easily into Overleaf).