Tag: learning technology
I came across this image the other day through a tweet by Marina Amaral. Marina is a Brazilian artist who specialises in the accurate colourisation of historical photographs and her twitter posts are full of interesting, sometimes bizarre, sometimes hilarious images and the stories behind them. The image above is one of a series that […]
Elizabeth Scarefellow has recently inherited a stately family home from a distant relative. She decides to move from her flat in the city out to the remote estate, before she makes up her mind whether to sell it, as she has always wanted to live in a more rural area. Although she did not know […]
It’s getting to that time of year again. Welcome week is fast approaching and we’re all gearing up for the start of semester. To help staff and students with preparations we offer a variety of online Learning Technology training sessions covering a vast amount of topics. You can view and book all our available sessions […]
After a couple of false starts, and a few interruptions, I am now at the point of applying for CMALT (Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology). For those who don’t know this is a professional accreditation route for those working with learning technology, achieved through evidencing a history of engagement across a […]
Learn provides lots of ways for users to take charge of what messages and notifications they receive and how they would like them delivered. One of the insights I gained through interviewing students and staff as part of the Learn Foundations Project programme of user experience research was how students feel about all those notifications, […]
Last month saw the first Digital Skills Festival, organised by the Digital Skills and Training team, of which we hope there will be many more. Together, we facilitated four sessionson different topics across the area of learning design. The first session, ‘How to… design a course online using ABC’, sparked a lot of discussion around how the pandemic has changed the way we teach. Participants were really engaged with how ABC can help them in course […]
A couple of months ago, a project landed on my desk (virtually, in my sitting room, where I’ve been for 15 months) involving an investigation of current hybrid teaching and learning practice. The task was straightforward enough: find out what kind of hybrid synchronous systems are in place in other institutions worldwide. So, I spent […]
We are looking forward to presenting four interactive sessions at next week’s Digital Skills Festival. Each session is based on our experiences, particularly over the past year, when we moved our support for learning design online. All of these sessions are open for booking by Edinburgh staff and students. We look forward to seeing you there! […]
Online Course Production and Educational Design and Engagement are hosting three events as part of the University’s first Digital Skills Festival. Digital Skills and Training are hosting a programme of online digital skills events. These are free to attend for all University staff and students. The festival takes place during the week of Monday 24 […]
Have you heard of our Learning Technology Community (LTC)? You may remember the Learning Technology Showcases at the University of Edinburgh which we ran back in the day when we could all gather together in one room and chat about what’s going on over snacks… Well, this online version was borne out of that, and […]