Category: Events
Events / Seminars / Conferences / Internal / External
I attended the second seminar in the Code Acts in Education series, entitled ‘Learning through code/learning to code’, held at the University of Edinburgh on Friday 9th May 2014.The event aimed to examine the sociotechnical interaction of software code and educational institutions. In the midst of mostly social scientists, informaticists, and educationalists, I had to […]
My first impression after arriving at the venue of INTED2014 (10th-12th of March, Valencia, Spain) was the conference’s size. I was immediately reminded of the organisers’ original promise of a truly international event with 650 delegates from 75 countries. The promise had been kept, and as a result here we all were in a massive […]
The 12th annual eLearning@ed Conference took “Authenticity Online” as its theme – this allowed for a very broad interpretation and therefore a wide range of presentations. It attracted almost 100 staff from across the University. The speakers’ presentations and some posters from the day are available from the eLearning@ed Forum site, and Nicola Osborne from […]
A personal view of the Partnership in Assessment and Feedback event in Edinburgh, April 2014. I hadn’t expected it to be fun. But it was, thanks to a range of interesting speakers and, more importantly, a range of participants willing to engage with the issues being raised and discuss how some of these ideas might […]
Earlier this week I was able to attend the International Conference on Networked Learning when it was held in my home city of Edinburgh. I’ve not been to any of the previous conferences and was pleased to find this to be a very friendly and welcoming conference attended by an interesting group of delegates. It […]
Report on Scot-bug meeting held on 27th February at the University of Aberdeen. Scot-bug is the Blackboard users’ group for Scotland. Scot-bug draws its membership from all of Scotland’s HE and FE institutions and holds three to four meetings a year in institutions around the country. Learn Analytics Richard Burrows of Blackboard announced that a Learn […]
EDUCAUSE 2013 was again held in the Anaheim Conference Centre in southern California, which is an ideal location. In order to get the most out of the conference I had deliberately chosen to target events that focused on these specific topics: MOOCs Adaptive Learning Multi Media in Learning and Teaching Learning Analytics Learning space design […]
On 14th November Imperial College London hosted a “Video, lecture capture and the student experience” event focusing on the use of Panopto for lecture capture. The talks took place in Imperial’s impressive great hall, and the historic rooms of 170 Queens Gate, with presenters including Tom Davy (CEO of Panopto), Professors Debra Humphries and Omar […]
The University’s IT Futures conference returns this year with the theme of Disruption. It will take place on Thursday, 12th December 2013, 0930-1630, in The Informatics Forum. New technologies disrupt our ways of working, they disrupt our lifestyles and our settled habits. Sometimes this is good, sometimes not. Sometimes tiny factors turn out to be […]
The fifth eAssessment Scotland conference was held this year on 23rd August at the University of Dundee. Billed as “the UK’s largest conference dedicated to exploring the best examples of eAssessment in the world today”, this year’s theme focused on the potential role of social and participatory technologies in teaching and assessment. Page contents: Keynote […]